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Dylan's POV:

"I can't believe you!" The dark haired lady yelled at me, making my eye twitch at the fury in her voice. "You lied to me and then took advantage of me!"

"Olivia, please." I begged.

She cut me off, "Do not call me that."

"I wanted to tell you, but I was scared!" I ran a hand through my hair and then put my hands on my waist. "I'm sorry, please believe me."

"No. I don't want to see you again. Ever."

My body jolted up and I was confused. Why am I dreaming of her now and what my did she say I took advantage of her?

"Dude, what happened?" I heard next to me. Chasity came walking out of her bathroom and looked at me weirdly.

"I had a weird dream." I sighed, running my hand down my face.

After that encounter at Liv's place I left abruptly, not even having a key to my apartment. I called up Chasity and asked if I could come to her house and I ended up just staying the night.

"Caleb is in the shower now and after he gets out we'll go get a new key." Chasity said, slipping on a shirt.

"It's fine Chas. Can I just use yours because I don't feel like going through the hassle to get one." I got out of her bed and pulled my hair up into a bun, slipping a sweatshirt over my head.

"Yeah, here." She went to her keychain and took it off, handing it to me. "Text me when you're home?" I nodded my head and left her bedroom.

"Leaving already?" I heard from Caleb's room. I turned around and he was standing with only a towel around his waist. "I know I'm not, but stop staring."

"I wasn't. Your towel is slipping and I can see your ugly ass tattoo." I chuckled, opening the door and leaving him there, fixing his towel.

Caleb dated this girl a couple of years ago and got her name tatted right on his v-line, but it got infected and scarred really bad. So now I just make fun of him for one, getting a girls name, and two, it being ugly.

Just as I exited their town-house on to the busy street, I saw a familiar blonde head. "Lacy!" I called out, watching her turn around.

She smiled when she saw me and we both walked to each other. "Well well, if it isn't Dylan Parker." I smirked, looking at her business casual attire. She wore a white slacks with a matching white shirt, and a grey coat wrapped around her body.

"Heading home?" I asked, as we started walking beside each other.

She looked over at me and smiled, "I am. You?" I nodded my head. "Do you wanna share a cab then?"

"Only if that means you'll be coming to my place after?" I winked, pushing her arm a bit with my elbow.

"Just cause we live in the same building and have a past doesn't mean I was inviting you for sex." She laughed.

I stopped, making her stop as well. "You weren't." I leaned in, hovering over her lips. "I was." I was waiting for permission to do anything, but I didn't have to when she grabbed my neck and pulled our lips together. She pulled on my bottom lip, making me inhale sharply.

"Maybe for old times sake." She whispered, running her hand down my arm and raising her other to call a cab.

We climbed into the first one that stopped and rode all the way until our building was three blocks away. She pulled out cash and handed it to the driver. "Thank you." Lacy said, exiting the vehicle with me close behind her.

We walked the rest of the way in the cold and just as we were a block away, it started pouring from the sky. "Come on!" She yelled over the rain. I picked up my pace and started jogging, trying my best not to slip and bust my ass. When I could see the apartment building I sped up and ran the rest of the way, passing her quickly. She laughed and tried her best to catch up to me.

Quickly, I unlocked the gate and ran for the door, unlocking that one too.

I was finally safe in the dry, warm building and that's when I felt arms wrap around my waist and lips brush against my ear. We turned to go up the stairs and there was Liv, locking up her mail box.

"Are you ready?" Lacy whispered, grabbing my arm. She pulled me up the stairs as I was staring at Liv staring at us.

It was like slow motion as I watch her eyes go from me to Lacy, then down her body, then dart to our hands intertwined. Her mind was turning and I wanted nothing more to say something. She probably thinks I sleep around but that's not it.

Lacy is just a friend I met from Caleb. We would hang out when I came to visit and she's the one who told me about this apartment building when I mentioned moving here. We have a history in the way that we both just like each other's company.

Liz's POV:

I unlocked my mailbox, grabbing the envelopes that were stuffed in there. I should really check my mail more often.

I heard the door to the building open, out of instinct I turned around to see who it was.

Dylan stepped in, soaking wet. Before I could even gather words to say a blonde lady came behind her, wrapping her arms around her and touching her lips to her ear. They faced the stairs and that's when our eyes met.

I just stood there, staring between the two. I watched the blonde whisper into her ear then drag her up the stairs, out of my sight.

That was a sight for sure...


I sat wt my desk, grading papers from the test I gave Friday.

"Good morning, Olivia." I looked up and Dylan was walking to me with coffee in her hand. "For you."

"I told you not to call me Olivia. It's inappropriate." I took the coffee from her hand and looked up to her. "But I'll accept it this time."

"You're coming to my game tonight, right?" She asked, leaning against my desk.

"Yes, I'll be there." I looked down at my phone and saw my fiancé texted me. "Christian is coming too." I looked up and saw her roll her eyes.

"I invited you, not the douche who treats you bad."

"Language, Dylan." I continued grading papers, "He's my fiancé and I know you hate him but you don't even know him."

"I know that he's a shit- sorry, meany pants."  She made me chuckle at her choice of words. "And you deserve better."

"So I've heard." I finished up the stack right when her phone started ringing.

"Hello? Hey. Yeah I'll see you tonight - games at six. Hah, okay love. Bye." Dylan hung up then looked to me. "I'll see you tonight and I guess your douche bag fiancé."

"Dylan..." I raised an eyebrow.

"Kidding, chill." She said as she walked out.

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