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Dylan's POV:

"So." Chasity said, leaning against the counter of the nurses station. "Jessica can't stop talking about your tall, gorgeous girlfriend."

I rolled my eyes. Jessica needs to stop sharing my business. "I kissed her." I confessed, signing off on papers.

"What!" She yelled. Everyone looked at us. Chasity looked around as I looked down at the papers acting like that didn't just happen. "What? Carry on people!" She yelled again. "Now you did what?" She whispered, cocking her eyebrow.

"We had a moment and I kissed her. She allowed it. She didn't yell at me or anything." I handed off papers to the discharge nurse and turned to Chasity. She had this 'and then' look on her face. "Remember how I told you about Kate?"

"Ugh, I love Kate. She's such a great person. She helped me deliver a baby in the ER once." Chasity gushed. Guess I'm the only one who doesn't know her at this hospital.

"It was very weird between the two of them. As if there were tension - over me. At least that's what it felt." I rested my chin on my hand, thinking about Olivia. After I took her home it wasn't very awkward. I told her goodnight and we hugged, settling on a kiss on the cheek. I just hope she isn't spiraling about all of this.

"When are you gonna see her again?" Chasity asked. I shrugged my shoulders. I had no idea what I would even say to her, I would have to think on it. I turned on my heels to walk away, but crashed into a body. I wrapped my hands around their waist, catching them. "I'm so sorry!"

"Dr. Parker! Watch where you're going." Kate was smiling mischievously. Man, she looks beautiful in navy blue scrubs. I smirked, bringing her back up to her feet, straightening my coat out. "I came to tell you I'm on your service."

"Man, it's like Grey's Anatomy." Chastity let out a laugh. "Hah! Parker's Anatomy!" I gave her a glare. "Yeah I got patients..." she quickly walked away, leaving us alone.

"Sorry about that." I shook my head, ignoring my best friend's antics and trying to think back to work. Chasity just thinks she's so funny... "Um, here's my tablet for my patients. Keep me updated on bay 3's CT results. I'm gonna see the new patient in bay 10."

Okay, I think you pulled off professional Dylan pretty well...

"Will do." Kate nodded, sitting down at a nurses desk. I let out a sigh. Working with her was going to be a task itself.

I pulled the curtain open, "Hello, I'm-" I stopped talking when I saw Olivia laying in the bed with her hand wrapped up. "Olivia, what happened?" I rushed to her side. "Why didn't you call me?" I slid the curtain closed, giving us privacy.

"I told them not to give me you!" She rolled her eyes. "I'm fine, just a work accident with a paper cutter. I didn't even need to come, it's just mandatory if I get hurt at work."

I sat on the stool and rolled over to her. "Lemme see." I unwrapped her hand and saw that she had sliced her finger, but not even bad enough to need stitches. "Honestly I can glue it." I wrapped it back up so I could get some glue. "I'm gonna ignore the part where you said didn't even want me as your doctor."

"No, I didn't." She looked away.

"Not even if I'm very gentle with my work?" I asked in a flirty tone.

Her head turned to me and she smiled. "I've had gentle doctors here before, never once was one you."

I stood up opening the curtain, "See that's your problem. You've never had me." I winked, leaving her to go get some glue.

"Dr. Parker." I stopped in my tracts, turning to the voice. It was Kate with my tablet. "Here are the CT results." She handed it to me, our fingers brushing together as we traded the tablet off. I ignored it.

"Thank you." I looked at the scan, seeing no issues. "Will you grab me skin glue from the storage room?"

While Kate was getting glue, I was on my way to relay to the patient what the scan said.

Liv's POV:

"Okay ma'am." I heard the curtain open, making me look to the voice.

Are you kidding me.

"Olivia." Kate said, apparently not even knowing I was the patient. "Dylan didn't tell me it was you..."

"Yeah. It's me!" I said sarcastically. "Where's Dylan?"

"Seeing another patient. Um, I'll just leave this here for her-" she went to walk out but she literally ran into Dylan's body. My body caught on fire when I saw Dylan hands wrap around her waist. Jealousy?

"You're the one who need to watch where they're going this time." Dylan chuckles.

This time?

"I'm sorry. Um, I put the glue on the tray." She quickly disappeared, leaving us alone.

"Sorry about that. I just told her to get the glue, not come do it for me." Dylan sat down on the stool and didn't say another word as she unwrapped the dressing then started to glue my skin together.

"I didn't know she worked on your service." I said, watching her every move.

"She literally just started. You were gonna be her first patient." I watched as she made it look nice, not leaving any residue. "All better." She smiled, wrapping it up with new gauze.

"Thanks." I mumbled out, pulling my sleeve down. Silence was upon us and it looked like she hated it.

"Can we talk about the other night?" She asked, looking up into my eyes. Her emerald eyes were pooling into mine. I nodded my head, waiting. "I just wanted to know how you felt. That's all."

I thought about it. Dylan was a grown women now and I never really thought about our past that often. She made me happy and I can't lie and say I don't have feelings for her. "Like I want to do it again." I said, earning a blush and a smile from her.

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