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Dylan's POV:

I sat in the booth as I watched Caleb order us drinks at the bar. He smooth talked the cute, red headed bartender as he waited for her to make the drinks. "You know, your brothers a total flirt." I looked to Chasity as she looked up from her phone and over to her brother.

"He can't help it - in his DNA somehow." She chuckled, "I didn't get that though. Lord knows I'm the worst flirt. Oh here he comes!" He walked over carrying one margarita and two beers. "Thank you kind sir." Chasity smiled, taking the margarita from his hands.

"For you, pretty lady." He winked, handing me a beer.

"Okay, don't go flirting with me now." I chuckled, grabbing the opened bottle. "Thank you, by the way."

"You guys are welcome." Caleb took a swig and looked at me. "So how's your neighbor? Still hot?"

I chuckled, "I think she realized who I am." I sighed and looked at Chasity. I followed her gaze and saw she was staring at a guy who was sitting at a tall table across the bar. He looked way older than us, definitely in his forties, but that wouldn't stop Chasity. He was tall with a scruffy beard and dark brown hair. "Go talk to him unless you just want to sit here and drool over him."

"Fine, I will." Chasity smiled with confidence and took a sip of her margarita, leaving Caleb and I alone.

Caleb shook his head and chuckled. "She's ridiculous." I nodded my head agreeing.

"She's your sister though." I shrugged.

"Alright, I just wanna know." Caleb said. I looked at him clueless. "You told me back in high school that you had a crush on her and when she cut you off it hurt you, that's why you did the prank that you did."

"Where are you going with this?" I asked, still not understanding what he wanted to get out of me.

"Do you still think she's cute?" Caleb straight up asked me.

I squinted my eyes and he did the same, getting a smile out of me. "Who doesn't think she's cute? She's gorgeous!"

"True, true." Caleb's nodded his head.

"Bad idea, bad idea." Chasity repeated, walking quickly to us and pushing me over further into the booth.

"What do you mean?" I chuckled.

"She means, bad idea." Caleb repeated, pointing towards the bar. I leaned over Chasity and saw the guy sitting on a stool next to a raven haired beauty. The raven haired beauty. "I wonder if it's her boyfriend." I looked at Caleb and he shrugged. "Just an idea."


Skipping was too easy. You just go from one block and not to the next one. As long as I don't get caught-

"Dylan Parker!" I heard ring in my ears.

Damn, spoke too soon.

I turned on my heels and saw the grouchy old Mrs. Jones standing in front of me. "What are you doing out of class?" She asked me.

Think quick, Dylan.

"She's running errands for me." I heard behind me. I looked over my shoulder and it was like my saving-grace. "I meant to give her a pass but I forgot. I must have gotten distracted with all the errands I was giving her." Miss Taylor's voice chuckled. "Dylan, come on."

"Oh, Olivia you're fine, darling." Mrs. Jones smiled at her, then looked to me and it faded. "Dylan you better get back to class with her."

"Right." I smiled, following quickly behind Miss Taylor before she changed her mind on saving my ass. She turned the corner and I smiled. "Olivia?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's my first name, that's what Liv is short for."

"Why didn't I know that?" I asked. She glared at me and I smirked. "I owe you."

"No you don't. You're just not gonna skip class anymore like a dumb ass." She said, turning around. I didn't realize she turned around because I was too busy looking at the ground and I ran right into her, knocking her a few inches back.

I grabbed her waist so she wouldn't fall, "Shit, I'm sorry." I quickly let her go after a moment.

She straightened her blouse out, "You're fine." Then those icy blues found their way back to my green ones. "You're ass would be grass if you got caught. Especially with your mom. So come with me and help me grade papers and I'll email whoever your teacher is."

"See, you do love me." I smiled, teasing her just a bit.

~end flashback~

Liv's POV:

"Who's with your mom?" Patrick asked, spinning on his stool and facing me.

"The home health nurse who takes care of her during the day insisted I go out tonight." I picked up my glass and swirled the left over drink around in circles.

"Are you still thinking about that girl?" He asked, sighing and tilting his head.

I nodded my mine, "I mean wouldn't you want to know if she remembered you - if you were in my position?" I looked over at him and sighed. "And what she did to me. The prank and what she said."

"Well she's just your neighbor. You don't have to be friends with her." He chuckled and took a sip of his whiskey.

I looked away, then slowly looked back, grinning. "Is it bad I was attracted to her?"

"Jesus. Olivia, she's like twenty something." I watched as he turned back to the bar and pretended to slam his head onto it.

"Okay, okay. No need to be so damn dramatic." I laughed. "She's pretty and she's grown, alright? There was no harm and then I found out who she was and it took me by shock."

"What did she even say to you? I know you told me but I forgot" Patrick turned back to face me. I think he knew by the way I looked at him I didn't want to say it. "Just tell me." He begged.

"It was when Christian and I called off our engagement. She was having a bad morning and came to me to talk about it, I sided with her mom and that didn't sit right with her, then she said 'Christian probably broke up with you because he's gay and he cheated on you with his assistant'." I quickly said. I looked over to Patrick, and he had a flat face.

"Okay but she wasn't wrong. Your ex-fiancé was gay and he did cheat on you with his assistance." He laughed. "Why were you mad?"

"The wound from the relationship was still fresh. Obviously now I'm not mad at her, but then I cut off all contact and we became kind of cold with each other. That pissed her off and that's when she toilet papered my car. Then I got her expelled." I looked down at my hands in my lap. I still felt bad about that.

After she pranked me I felt like she was just some shitty kid who was never gonna be anything. I never saw her growing up.

Now she's a trauma doctor for a nice hospital in Boston and makes more money than I ever could with the degree that I have. She's gone through more school than I have and I just want to know more about her. I want to know who she is now.

"Um, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I said, grabbing my purse and putting the strap over my shoulder.

"Alright, Liv. I'll be here." Patrick smiled sweetly at me and drank his drink.

I walked to the back and saw a line, so I stood and waited. After a few minutes a heard a voice behind me.

"Man, that's a long line." I turned around and was shocked to see the blonde in front of me.

"Dylan, hey." I smiled.

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