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(From here on out I'm only calling Olivia by Olivia, no more Liv, it's too much)

Kate's POV:

That was so embarrassing and I couldn't even tell you why.

It was the way Olivia gave me this glare that I don't even think she intended to give, but it only made me feel so small. Shit, being around her made me feel so small. She made herself look like this beautiful glamorous woman and anyone who was around her looked like nothing compared to her. How could I ever compete?

"You okay?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by Dr. Saddler. "You kind of zoned out there?"

"Um, yes. Just perfect." I lied. How was Olivia was consuming my thoughts? Not Dylan. I rolled my eyes internally and went back to my computer work. At least I tried to, but my mind wandered off to what they could be doing in there. I mean, obviously professional stuff. Dylan is very professional. So professional she wouldn't even come near me I'm sure...

I heard a curtain slide open and out the corner of my eye I saw Olivia and Dylan walked out. "I'll walk you out." Dylan said, smiling as she placed her hand on Olivia's lower back. Olivia smiled in return and they started walking toward the exit door.

"Ah, I see..." I was so pulled into them that I didn't even realize I was full on staring at them. I turned my head away and back towards my computer. "It's Dylan, isn't it?" Dr. Saddler asked, smirking.

"Dr. Saddler, that would be very unprofessional of me and I believe there's a policy that I can't date my superiors." I said smoothly, typing into the computer.

"Yeah, but if I stand corrected, you met Dylan as a neighbor first - at least that's what she told me. And call me Chasity, please." She had a point - but I wasn't gonna come between whatever they had. I really just want to be her friend.

Lie. You want to do so many things to her.

Dylan returned smiling to herself. "You kiss her and make her feel better?" Dr. Saddler- I mean Chastity -  teased. I pretended like I wasn't listening, but we all know I was.

"Very funny." I felt eyes on me. I looked up and Dylan was staring. "Did you finish that chart?" I nodded my head, not saying much. "Um, we get off at the same time. Do you want to walk home together? Just, seems safer since it'll be super late." She asked me.

Now I could feel Chasity's eyes burning into me. I knew she was smirking. "Yeah, that'd be nice." I smiled softly.

"Cool, I'll come find you when I clock out."

Dylan's POV:

We walked pretty close together, considering the wind was strong and we only had our coats to keep us warm. There was silence, but it was comfortable silence. I was okay with it.

Our bodies kept brushing against each other since I could never walk in a straight line. "I'm sorry, I suck at walking in a straight line." I chuckled.

"I can tell." Kate said. We were silent again, until she spoke up. "How did Olivia turn out?"

"She's fine. Her job made her come and get checked out." I shoved my hands into my coat pockets. "You know, she did say something about you when I walked her outside." Kate raised an eyebrow, wanting me to continue. "She thinks you like me."

"She's right." She said boldly. "But I'm not gonna get in her way. I know she likes you and she scares me, I won't lie."

We made it to the gate and I stopped walking. "She was my teacher in high school." I admitted. "She doesn't scare me. She just looks very powerful and intimidating. She's as sweet as can be." Kate looked flabbergasted. "Don't let her scare you, Kate." I took my keys out and unlocked the gate.

"I don't know what to say." She chuckled, following behind me. "I mean, I know we both are much older than you, but still."

"What can I say, I like older women." I smirked.

"You play too much." Kate shook her head as I held the door for her.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." I apologized. "Thank you for walking home with me - a lot less scary when you're with someone." Kate nodded her head. "Now, back to you saying you like me."

"Goodnight Dylan." Kate ignored what I said as she walked up the stairs, leaving me there alone.

I let out a sigh, "Goodnight, Kate..."

I walked into my apartment, hanging my coat behind the door and placing my bag on the counter. Kate was consuming my mind.

Why? Why not Olivia? That's who I wanted. God, I need to get some rest.

Olivia's POV:

"Yes, see you Monday." I closed the door on the nurse and leaned against it. It was finally the weekend and I could rest. All I wanted was to be in my jammies with some wine and a good book.

"Eleanor? Where are you?" My mother called out from her bedroom.

I let out a small sigh, then I smiled softly, "I just got home Mom." I walked into her room and she was smiling at me.

"Baby, what happened to your hand?" She asked. I looked down at it, smiling when I thought of Dylan.

"Just a small accident at school. I'm perfectly okay." I reassured her. "You know it's late. You should go to bed."

"Okay darling." She said, "Goodnight, I love you." I smiled big hearing her say that. She didn't say it often, but when she did it warmed my heart so much.

"I love you Mom." She laid back in her bed and I pulled the covers over her, tucking her in good. "Sleep tight." I turned the light off and shut her door.

Sometimes I felt like I had a child of my own and I know I shouldn't feel that way, but it's hard. I don't want to feel like my mother is holding me back from a life but I do feel guilty at times. I try my best to be there for her, but sometimes I feel like I'm not enough.

I finally was able to sit down with a glass of wine and cuddle up with a blanket and good book. I turned my lamp on and got lost in it - my favorite past time.

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