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Dylan's POV:

"No sir, you didn't have a heart attack." I sighed, looking at the patient laying in the hospital bed. "You had a panic attack. Panic attacks can look a lot like heart attacks in older people."

"Are you calling me old?" He asked, glaring at me.

I looked at him. Was he serious? "Sir, you're free to leave." I grabbed his charts and slung the curtain open, leaving his area.

"How's your first day going, Dr. Parker?" A nurse asked, taking the chart from me.

"Considering I've been here so long, I'm just ready to go home." I leaned against the nurses station and put my hands over my face.

"Well in two minutes you're off." I heard behind me. Chasity showed up in her blue scrubs and handed a chart to the nurse as well. "Might as well head to the lockers and get your stuff."

"I'll catch you later, Chas. Have a good rest of your shift." I chuckled, heading to the lockers.

My apartment wasn't far from the hospital. Probably 3 blocks, so I walked my commute. It was weird walking home late at night, but I didn't feel unsafe here for some reason. My little neighborhood I lived in felt homey.

"Dammit!" I heard at the gates surrounding the building. I looked up from my phone and there she stood. Dressed in a tan coat, glasses a top her head as she dug though a large white purse, searching for something.

"Need help?" I asked, slipping my phone in my leather jacket.

She looked up and smiled. "Dakota, hey." She really doesn't remember me... "Yes, you can help me, actually. I left my key to get in and the nurse I have looking after my mom just left because she knew I was almost home. My mom doesn't know how to buzz me in, can you unlock it for me?" She pulled the strap over her shoulder and I nodded my head.

"My names Dylan by the way. Not Dakota." I said, opening my purse and taking my keys out.

She looked me up and down, then opened her mouth to speak, "I'm sorry, my mom must have forgotten. She has Alzheimer's so it happens a lot."

"No, it's not a problem." I felt her gaze fall still on me. "There you are." I opened the gate and she went in.

"Thank you... Dylan." She chuckled. "How are you not cold in that?" She was referring to my leather jacket that was covering my navy blue scrubs.

"Oh I am. I have to go buy a new jacket. I'm not used to this colder weather." I opened the door to the building and held it for her.

"I wasn't either when I moved here. Where are you from?" She asked. That's the question I was avoiding.

"Um, I should go up. I just finished a twenty-four hour shift so I'm exhausted. I'm glad I was there to get you in. Tell your mom Dakota says hey." I smiled, leaving her at the bottom of the stairs.

I didn't know where her apartment was, but I didn't care to find out right now. I didn't want her even finding out who I was.


"Chasity." I whispered, flicking the back of my best friends head.

"What? I'm trying to do my work." Chasity said, ignoring me. "She's gonna yell at you."

"She always does - she hates me." I sighed, looking at my teacher who was currently writing on some papers.

"She used to not. You used to be her favorite. You were the teachers pet. It's your fault." Chasity turned around finally and looked at me. "Why'd you have to ever make the comment?"

I sighed, looking at the teacher I once was really close with. I could tell her anything and she would just listen. Then after a bad morning at home I ruined it all. "I wish I didn't sometimes." I looked back to Chasity then down at her paper. "Let me copy."


"Yes." I insisted.

"No. Get your own answers."

"Asshole." I sighed.

"Dylan Parker." I heard, drawing my eyes up to her. "You need to watch your language."

Her just saying that boiled my blood. Why was she always picking on me. I know I made a mistake but still. She could be the adult and get over it. "And what if I don't?" I smirked.

"Don't make me call Mr. Vansant again." She threatened.

"I'm not scared of either of you."

"Dylan, stop. Now." Chasity whispered.

"I'd listen to your friend, sweetie." Miss Taylor stood from her desk and walked over to me. "I'd like to speak with you outside." I stood up, standing almost at her height. Our eyes were basically eye level. "Now, Ms. Parker."

The whole class whispered as we went in the hallway. "Why do you hate me? I apologized for what I said!" The words just left my mouth as soon as the door shut.

"You are fourteen years old-"

"Yeah and you're thirty-one. Be the adult." I blurted out.

"Quit disrespecting me." She said.

"I'm not disrespecting you when you treat me the same way..." I spoke the truth. She was horrible to me so why should I treat her with respect?

"You'll never change, Dylan Parker..." she looked at me, shooting daggers with her blue eyes. "You'll always be the snobby, disrespectful kid you are." She went to turn around but stopped when she heard my voice.

"You know, you used to be my friend." I spoke, "I would talk to you when my mom and I would fight, when I didn't feel like I had anyone. You would just listen and give me advice. Now look at you, hating my guts all because I made some comment on your life. You think I don't regret it?"

I watched as her eyes shifted to me, "I'm your teacher, not your friend." Then she disappeared behind the classroom door.

~end flashback~

I sighed, looking out the window of my apartment at the city. I never thought this would happen...

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