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Liv's POV:

I was heading to the hospital to discharge my mom. She was so happy to leave. She hates hospitals. Mostly because she forgets things and wonders where she is.

I walked closer to her door and heard talking. "All I'm saying is, Elenor is quite the person. After her and her fiancé broke up, she had experienced things. She didn't tell me, but I found out. Not that it's a problem, be who are you. I adore you...."

"Dylan..." I heard that voice.

"Dylan, that's right." I got to stop this, she's definitely embarrassing me.

I knocked lightly on the door, then walked in. "Hey- Oh, hey to both of you." I acted surprised Dylan was here.

"Hey Liv. I was just checking on patients and couldn't forget about this special one." Dylan smiled over at Mom, making her grin. I smiled as well - I love how loving she is towards her.

"I understand. I got a call saying you're ready to be discharged. Dylan, what do I do?" I asked, my eyes falling on her.

She sat up from the chair, showing off her perfect fitting dark grey scrubs. "I'll take you."

"I'll be back mom." I sat my purse down and followed behind her. She took me down a private hallway that you needed a badge to enter. Then we went on an elevator. "Where we going?"

"Typically you do it at the nurses station, but I'm gonna do them." Her eyes fell onto me and it looked as if she was taking me in. They lingered a little while, then the elevator dinged and she stepped off, waiting for me. "My office is just right here." I shook my head and nodded, following her.

We walked in to a somewhat medium sized room. It was dark due to there being no windows. "Is this in the basement?" I asked, looking around. She nodded her head.

"Here you can sit here." She pulled out a seat in front of a large brown desk, then she sat behind then desk in a black chair. I looked around, not seeing any pictures or any sign that this was even her office. It was very... plain. Before I knew it I heard the printer going off and then she was putting warm papers in front of me. "These are her discharge papers. You just have to sign here and then you'll be good to take her home." Dylan handed me a pen, allowing me to sign the line where the x was and date it.

Handing her the papers I looked at her, "How come you have nothing in here? Doesn't that make you depressed?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders, "What am I gonna put in here? A picture of my mom?" She chuckled. I rolled my eyes at the sick joke about her not having family to put pictures of, but it actually made me feel bad. "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?" I said defensively, but I knew how I looked at her.

"Pity." Dylan stood up with the papers in her hand, "I have my family here. I don't need her." I let out a sigh because I knew deep down somewhere she needed her mom. A girl always needs her mom.

"Dylan, I didn't look at you with pity." I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her to me so she wouldn't walk out just yet. She turned to face me, looking down at our hands. She was standing almost between my legs, against her desk. "I don't think you can even imagine to see yourself through my eyes." I smiled up at her. "In more ways than one." I traced her legs with my eyes and they landed on her lips for a second, then went up to her eyes.

"Don't make this weird and say how proud you are of me." She smirked. It wasn't until she grazed her thumb over my knuckles that I realized we were still holding hands.

"But I am and I'm not gonna apologize except for ever thinking you'd be anything less." I squeezed her hand, making her smile. "I know you don't have your parents here with you, and you can lie all you want and say you don't care but I remember what you would say about needing your mom back then, but I hope you know that you have more than enough family here."

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