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Dylan's POV:

I shut the door and when I turned around Lacy was pushing me up against the door. Her lips brushed against mine as she whispered, "Take this off." She tugged on my shirt, causing me to skip it over my head.

I kissed her, leading her backwards to the couch. She giggled when I tossed her on it. Slowly, I kissed her neck, pulling her shirt over her head. "Now you take these off." I whispered, kissing just above her slacks. I watched her hands slide down her sides and unbutton her pants, wiggling out of them. I stared down at her toned body, making me smirk.

"I like when you look at me like that." She said, grabbing my neck and kissing me. Just as I slipped my finger in the hem of her laced underwear there was a beating sound at my door.

"Dylan! Open, please!" I heard a scared voice about to beat my door down. I pushed Lacy away and ran to it, swinging it open not even thinking about my shirt. Olivia was there, tears streaming down her face. "It's my mom, she's not breathing!" I basically sprinted to my living room, grabbing my shirt and leaving an almost naked lady there.

I ran back out my apartment, slipping my shirt over my head while crossing into Olivia's.

Her mom was laying on the kitchen floor, almost as pale as I've ever seen someone. "I need you to leave the room." I placed my hands over her chest and began CPR. She tried to fight me, "Dammit, Olivia, go! Call 911!" I yelled, stopping compressions and blowing into her moms mouth, then starting them again.

I continued compressions until I felt by warm hands be placed on my biceps, pulling at them. "The paramedics are here." Her voice whispered.

I pulled away as the paramedics took over, one grabbing the stretcher. "Let's lift her." One said.

We both watched as she was lifted on to the stretcher then female paramedic listened to her heart. "I have a beat. It's weak but it's there. Let's move." They pushed her out the door then turned to Olivia. "You can ride with us or can meet us at the hospital."

"I'm coming." She ran back in to grab her purse while I ran into my apartment and grabbed mine and a coat.

"What's going on?" Lacy asked, standing in my living room.

"I've got to the to the hospital. Lock the door behind you." Was all I said before I shut it on her. We both came out of our apartments at the same time.

"It's fine, Dylan. You have-" I cut her off before she could finish.

"I'm coming." I grabbed her arm and pulled her down the hallway behind her mother.

Liv's POV:

I sat in a private waiting room while my mom was currently in surgery. She went into cardiac arrest and if it weren't for Dylan she probably wouldn't even be here.

"Here you go." Dylan walked into the room and handed me coffee.

"Thank you." I gave her a weak smile and she sat down across from me. Silence fell between us but I couldn't take it anymore. I had to tell her what I knew. "Um, Dylan..." she looked up from her coffee cup and into my eyes. "I know."

She looked at me weirdly, "Know what?"

"I know who you are. I've known for awhile and also you told me the night you were drunk." I watched as her eyes looked back to her cup and her shoulders fell. She wasn't saying a word. "And you called me Olivia when you were trying to get me to listen to you." She still wasn't looking at me or saying anything. I put my coffee down and stood in front of her. "You used to always call me that and it would irritate the hell out of me." I crouched down and finally met her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." She said, looking away again.

"Stop looking away from me, Dylan." I grabbed her chin and pulled her face back to look at me. "I'm not mad or upset or anything. Everything happened years ago, so don't shut me out, please." Her eyes fell to my lips, then back to my eyes and she nodded her head slowly. "Thank you for basically saving her life." Before I knew it my arms were wrapped around her neck, pulling her closer to me. I felt her hand on my back pulling me closer as well.

"I'm really sorry, Olivia." I heard her whisper.

"Stop apologizing. Seriously." I pulled back and I felt her hand fall down my side then pull away. "Now I have to try and get up." I put my hands on her thighs and attempted to push myself up, squeezing her before I let go. "Guess I'm too old to do that." I chuckled.

"You're not old." She said, shaking her head.

"What happened to your lover for the night?" I asked, earning a glare from Dylan.

"This was more important and besides, that was gonna be a mistake." Dylan quickly finished her coffee and tossed it in the trash.

"Then why'd you invite her over?" I asked.

She looked at me, like she was trying to think of something to say. "I was lonely. I swear I'm not someone who just sleeps around. She's just a friend of a friend."

"I get it. Sometimes we miss the touch of someone and try to fill it with other's touch, but it doesn't work I'll tell you that." She opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off with the door opening.

The doctor walked in and I stood, nervous to hear the news. "Elenor," He greeted me, then turned to Dylan. "Doctor Parker." Dylan stood up and nodded her head. "Everything went well. She's out of surgery and she's in the ICU currently. I put stents in her heart where there was a blocked artery and she's gonna be fine. saved her life."

I smiled, "Thank you. Thank you so much." He shook my hand and then Dylan's.

"Good work, Parker." He nodded to her, then left.

I turned to Dylan, basically jumping in her arms to hug her. "Thank you so much!" She was hesitant, but I felt her arms wrap around me tightly.

"I'm glad I could help."

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