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The cold air is bitter against my skin, making my fingers feel raw, the thin layer of snow makes them numb to the cold though. My eyes rest on her grave as I rub my hands together, I just can't believe it's been ten years already. My hand grazes over the grave, wiping the snow off the top and then where the letters are.

Molly Smith. Born 50th - Died 65th
Loving Daughter and sister
Shall remain in memory and in hearts forever

I always wonder what would be happening if she were still here. She'd probably be married, have loads of kids, and be happily living out her life. And I'd be here. Protecting her. But, I can't exactly protect her from the games if she had children. Honestly, she'd probably be constantly at gun point because of Snow wanting to control me. She wouldn't even know it, either. I wouldn't have told her, dad, or mom.
I adjust myself on the cold ground and rub my hands together more harshly, my fingers are already turning red.

"Hey, Molly. How are you?" I whisper, hands shaking now, "the Quarter Quell is being announced tonight and I'm finally home after almost a year being stuck in the Capitol, so I'm sorry I haven't visited. I haven't told you yet but District 12 won the 74th." Silence.
I grin and bring my fingers to my lips, breathing hot air onto them. "But, not just one person won. Two people did, they're calling them the Star Crossed Lovers. I haven't met them yet, but they seem interesting..."

I still haven't met them, even after seeing them.
Finnick and I showed up to their little party a few days ago for their victory tour at Snow's mansion, but not to even see them. It was just to get our clients done and over with. They were odd, and even if I tried it's not like I would've been able to meet her. I think she noticed me a few times, but she didn't seem to say anything. Even at the train station, we saw them off but why would we even want to speak to them?
My fingers are beginning to sting. I'm so used to the Capitol's weather, it's not as bitter as this. I slowly push myself up and dust the long skirt I have on from anything that could've gotten onto it.

"I'll see you again soon."

I shove my cold- red hands into my jacket, shaking still. A jacket won't do anything, a nice warm fire will. I get back onto the dirt path from the small graveyard, the snow crunching against my feet as I walk, and I love it.
In the Capitol, when it snows they instantly clear anything possible, so you don't get that satisfying crunch when you walk on the paths. It's so their clothes aren't ruined, so they don't have to deal with something that could just possibly make their shoe slightly damp. Stupid pricks gotta ruin my fun. To think though, in just a few weeks, less than a month or so, the snow will have melted away. Gone, quickly replaced with the fresh spring air and awful pollen and humidity.
District 10's odd, the weather, I mean. Sometimes it'll snow when it's rather warm out in the spring, or other times it'll be so cold and yet nothing will fall from the clouds.

I pull my hands out from my pockets and rub them together, breathing on them again as I reach a much more populated road. Wagons occasionally pass me, while more people walking becomes much more obvious. My eyes land on a little girl with an older boy, pointing at me, her eyes are lit up with joy. I smile and wave at the girl, she lightly jumps on her feet, looking to what I'm assuming is her older brother and saying something to him from how fast her mouth is moving. I'm used to this now, people coming up to me or waving at me -- the attention. I'm a victor after all, the most recent one at least.

Dad isn't as popular for obvious reasons.

I turn down another road and shove my fingers into my pockets again. This road is different. No one comes down here, except for me and my family. It wouldn't be just us if there were more victors though. The lonely walk I have slowly comes to an end, the familiar archway passing over my head. The old sign with the two words, Victor's Village hangs above me. The V in the first word is still slanted, I've still not fixed it. At least there aren't any weeds, the smooth pavement has a light layer of ice over the majority of it, while everything else is covered in soft snow. Lovely. I stumble as I walk, slipping on my first step inside of the place that reeks of death. Dozens of homes, and yet only two are full.

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