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"So," Johanna grunts, "you wussed out?"

I groan and fall back onto the mat as she picks up her axe. "I suppose.." I murmur, recalling the events of last night. Alone in an elevator, the perfect time to make a confession and I miss the opportunity. Of course you dumbass.

She sighs, setting the axe onto the mat and leaning on the handle, "you still denying you're in love?"

"I'm not in love."

"So you are."

"I'm not. I just have... mixed up emotions that shouldn't be like this and I need to get it off my chest so I can focus on the game."

She chuckles dryly, walking away from me and grabbing a new axe. I push myself up and look around boredly. There's no point in this. Everyone in this room has won and they won for one reason or the other. Skill, or dumb luck.

I wonder which one I was...

I rest my head on my hand, elbow digging into my knee as my eyes wander. Cashmere and Gloss, (oddly similar to Silver and Gold years ago with their blonde hair and pale features, except for the knives). I barely blink as Gloss chucks a knife into the target just for Cashmere to follow, knives landing next to one another.
Oh so scary...

Drifting more I can see Brutus, a large guy with wide shoulders and a bulky build. He's throwing spears and javelins like it's nothing, easy like cutting warm butter with a knife. Enobaria, on the other hand, isn't throwing anything, instead she's putting those sharp scary teeth to good work and scaring the shit out of some trainer.

Beetee and Wiress... Morphlings... Random person I don't know.. Random asshole I don't know... Dad's nowhere to be seen actually. (I'm not surprised.) My eyes stop and my heart jumps at the sight of Finnick with Mags, Mags is making fish hooks and Finnick seems to be giving her a hand. Pearly white smile, clean hair, naked muscular arms from the uniform we've been given. From here I can see how smooth and natural his fingers move, roping and twisting the tiny wires -- he looks so focused... his fingers seem so gentle ... I wonder.

"You're drooling."

"I'm not." I mumble, wiping my mouth as I do. She snickers, I shoot her a glare and stick out my tongue. "Go back to fucking your axe already."

"Aren't you going to practice?" she asks, I shake my head.

"Don't know yet. Might just sit around." I mumble, she hums. And immediately, I change my mind at the sight of the familiar blonde and dark headed pair walk into the room, a smile tugging at my lips from their sudden disgusted and confused faces as a Morphling walks in front of them, collapsing and vomiting near their feet. "Or not."

Johanna follows my eye and smirks as I look back at her. And my eye catches another set of eyes from above, the sickeningly familiar hazel orbs that occasionally haunt my dreams. I've not seen her in over a year. I don't want to see her. I can't think, I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding and practically scramble to the floor. Johanna looks at me, confused, looking to where I was before I can stop her.
Her eyes go soft, she looks back at me with this face of pity, a face that's practically telling me the words 'sorry.'

"Go and practice..." she mutters, "and talk to Alex while you're at it." she finishes, smiling weakly and walking off again.

That... was random. Why does she want me to talk to dad? She probably dislikes him, hates him, as much as I do -- so why would she?..

My eyes drift around, I cautiously look back to the pair above and my stomach seems to flip on itself. I can't do this.
I stumble and start to walk aimlessly, I need to get out of here, I don't want to see her at all, just thinking about it makes me sick. My head's starting to hurt because of it. I awkwardly rub my temple and cringe and the newfound pain. She wants your attention, Aaron.

The Reaper | F. Odair (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now