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Warning for this chapter: Mentions of sexual assault, prostitution and detailed blood / gore

(this first half was very disturbing to write and think of, but it just made sense so seriously if you're not comfortable with SA or the idea of someone being forced onto, just skip it to the first "—" please.)

    "If a victor is considered desirable, the president gives them as a reward or allows people to buy them for an exorbitant amount of money. If you refuse, he kills someone you love. So you do it."

A burst of laughter slips out of the woman's mouth as she replays what the boy said, "oh, don't you think that's funny, Aaron?" she coos as she wraps her arms around the half-naked girl. The girl slowly nods. "I wonder what they'll do to you next time you don't wish to see me~"

"N-NO--" Aaron splutters as her eyes dart to the floor, "no, no they won't touch me if I'm with you... I-I want to be with you..."

"Even if you love him?" the woman asks, "you'll betray him and come be with me?"

"I don't love him..."

Agnes grins and leans into her ear, "why's that?"

"He tried to... he tried..." Aaron sucks in a shaky breath as tears form in her eyes, "he wants me dead..."

"Then who do you love, my dear?" Agnes coos, kissing her bare neck.

Aaron doesn't flinch. "You..."

Agnes giggles and pulls her back into her chest, "good girl~" Agnes kisses behind her right ear, "you're mine, understood?"
The door to the room suddenly opens -- Agnes groans and covers herself up by pulling Aaron even closer, the blonde just goes with it. The woman's hazel eyes drift over to the unmasked peacekeeper and her once play-happy mood is immediately gone. "What do you want?"

"Snow wants them gone." the peacekeeper, (Terra), grumbles.

Aaron's head snaps up, "NO!"

"Quiet." Agnes spits, covering her chapped lips with her hand as the blonde starts to shake. "I thought I got to keep her."

Terra visibly cringes as her body goes tense, "change of plans."

Agnes grins at the girl's obvious discomfort, "what? Jealous I get a plaything?" she coos.

"That thing is supposed to be dead... was supposed to be dead." Terra grumbles, "you can get her back after we knock them on their asses."

"And what happens if I don't get her back?"

"Not my problem. You can fuck her corpse for all I care."

Agnes frowns, "won't be fun if she's a corpse for me." she whispers, leaning into the blonde's ear and looking at Terra as she runs her fingers down to the girl's thighs. Aaron's fingers immediately grab and curl around her wrist as a sob slips past her lips. "See?"

Terra's eyes drift away as Agnes pushes herself further onto the girl -- Aaron can't scream or cry for her to stop, not with a peacekeeper here who can hurt her with one word from Agnes.
Terra makes an 'ach' sound, "Don't do it in front of me."

"I didn't invite you to watch, yet you are." Agnes coos, her fingers making it successfully down to the girl and a whimper slips out of Aaron's throat. "I'm sure you're just jealous, dear."

"I'm disgusted." Terra spits, "What would Snow say if you weren't listening to his orders?"

"I'm the one who controls the desired ones, dear. Not him."

"Who cares, put a fucking shirt on her before I'm accused of shit next." Terra seethes, "they're on their way, I've only got a few minutes to get her there, and if she isn't there then the plan goes to shit."

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