Thirty-Eight / Epilogue

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Aaron's smile grew as she read the letter Katniss had sent. It'd taken her almost fifteen years, but in the end she finally decided to be with Peeta. Her eyes lingered on the word 'pregnant' for a few moments -- Katniss had never seemed like one who'd ever want to be with children, especially with what had happened.

She glanced up from the paper, eyes landing on the two in the water ahead of her. She grinned to herself -- neither had she ever expected things would turn out this way. Mistake or not, she didn't regret it. She watched the two boys chuck water out and at each other, eventually leading to one lifting up the other.

Finnick lifted his son upside down, holding him sideways and tipping his head just to hit the water. The fourteen-year old screamed and laughed, grabbing at his father and begging to be put down.

The woman giggled to herself again, looking back down at the letter as the boy ran out of the water. She lifted the letter in the air as her son ran over, grabbing her shoulder and hiding behind her -- she shivered from his cold wet hands.

"He's going to throw me to the sharks!"

Aaron rolled her eyes, swatting his hand off, "He is the shark, Alexander."

Alexander went pale, "Mom!"

"Why'd you get your cast wet?" Aaron looked around, seeing the boy's red cast looking darker than it was.

"It's his fault!" The blonde boy pointed to the man walking towards them.

"It was self defense," Finnick ran his fingers through his hair, "he tried to drown me."

"I'll drown both of you in a minute," Aaron scoffed playfully, "now help me up." Aaron put her hands out, Finnick grabbed one and Alexander the other as they heaved her up gently. She huffed, "Katniss is pregnant."

"Kat's having a kid?" Alexander asked.

"Yes, Katty's having a kid too." Aaron said, handing the letter to Finnick as she ruffled the boy's hair -- he'd grown to be almost as tall as her. Just a few inches off though.

"I didn't think they ever would." Finnick said, scratching the back of his neck as they began to walk.

"Why are they having a kid?" Alexander asked a bit gullably.

Aaron grinned and stopped, grabbing her son's shoulders. She put on a smirk, "well, Al, when a man and woman love each other very, very much--"

"No!" Alexander cried, pushing her off, "not this again!" he covered his ears and began to walk away as Aaron bursted out laughing.

"You'll do it too someday!" Finnick called out, folding the letter and handing it back to Aaron.


The two laughed between themselves, watching their son make his way back up to the house not wanting to hear such disgusting talk. Aaron could recall having to give him that talk, and despite how awkward it was, to her surprise he avoided learning any further. She could only assume why, but it made it amusing to joke about.

Aaron reached for Finnick's hand, their fingers intertwining as they took their time. Recalling what happened that night, a little mistake had happened -- a good mistake. Alexander came into their lives unexpectedly and he became something Aaron wasn't sure of having. She came to a stop in the sand, Finnick stopped and looked at her as she looked down.
The idea of having a child in this world once terrified her, let alone now two. Her hand lingered over her belly, just a few more months. Her eyes found their way back up to Finnick.

"Thinking again?"

Aaron nodded. "Just want her out already."

Finnick smiled. He leaned forward and pulled his wife in, kissing her before pulling back. "Do you think Al will get along with her?"

Aaron nodded slowly. The world was still cruel, so she was happy Alexander would have reason to exist -- protecting his soon to be little sister and all. Someday the truth would have to come out, out to Alexander then to their daughter. The stories they told are portions of their pasts -- why sometimes Aaron would have to step out to calm down, or why some days Finnick went alone out on the boat. It wasn't a conversation to have today; no one was ready for the tales of the Capitol's lover-boy and the Capitol's Reaper. The Hunger Games was no more than a part of history now, but history was known to repeat itself--

Aaron shook her head. She felt Finnicks hand lay on her own on her stomach and she looked back at him with a subtle smile. "Maggie will be fine."

Finnick nodded with a smile. Leaning back down again and pushing his lips onto his wifes. Aaron, despite the years being together, always felt butterflies in her stomach and her heart beat out of her chest. He pulled away, kissing her head as he said those words that reassured her everything was fine like always. "I love you."

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