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Warning for this chapter: Mild Gaslighting, Mild Sexual-exploitation / abuse.


    I don't know what's funnier. Finnick making a noose and hanging himself jokingly in front of Everdeen which really freaked her out, Everdeen trying to use a chain and crack it because we made a deal to teach one another something to stay neutral. Johanna ass naked wrestling a trainer -- or them making us sit here and go do tests when they already know what we're capable of. Johanna walking in, ass naked, is pretty funny though when there's a dozen peacekeepers behind her trying to stop her, but they're not technically allowed to touch her and hurt her.
I can't help but quietly laugh to myself as I recall the memory, every little detail from her teasing a gamemaker who was shouting at her to covering her body in oil to 'help her fight' from her logic. My eyes unconsciously drift over to Johanna who seems to be playing with her hair and talking to Blight. I wouldn't be surprised if that's where dad got pot from, I don't remember seeing Blight yesterday or the days before.

Johanna looks back at me and she gives me a sweet smile, oddly sweet for her personality. I raise a brow, she smirks and sticks her tongue out -- of course she knows what I'm thinking about. I smile and lean back in the chair, dad shuffles in his own seat, his head bobbing as he seems to fall back asleep and my foot starts tapping again. My eyes drift to three rows ahead of me, the familiar messy bronze-headed boy is sitting there, playing with Mags hands -- some sort of game to pass the time. My foot stops and a wider smile tugs at my lips.

There's a groan, I flinch at dad's head now on my shoulder, "you're in love." he whispers.

"Ugh-" I groan, pushing his head to the otherside just to hear that dark chuckle of his, "I'm not. Why is everyone saying that?"

"You're in denial. Admit it, dumbass."

"I am not in denial."

"But you're denying it."

"That means nothing." I scoff.

"Johanna's told me everything, don't lie." he says, blunt with a smirk. I feel my cheeks go hot, I shoot up and my eyes snap over to Johanna who's obviously avoiding my gaze. That bitch.

...Maybe I do like him a little. You do love him. I don't... Yet you stare at him, mouth open and drooling like a dog.
I wipe my chin and gulp. "It's just a petty crush." I quietly admit, his stupid face now has a wide smile on it. The 'I told you so' sort of smile. "A stupid one."

"Just go and fuck already, not like he'll care." Dad grumbles, bobbing his head back and shutting his eyes again.

"No. I'm not sleeping with... -- he doesn't love me. I don't love him. Why would he after I killed her? Why would I after he killed you know who." I whisper, he shrugs.

"It's not his fault."

"It is, otherwise she wouldn't be dead." I mumble. You're in denial, Aaron.

"Yet you're friends?" he asks.

I scoff, "wow, you sure like talking to me now, huh?"

"No one else to talk to."

"Yet you ask your daughter about her love life? The non-existent one?"

"But, it's there."

"I'm not sleeping with the guy who killed my sister, Alex." I seethe, my heart aching at my own words. Why does that hurt to say?

He shrugs again, and as he does there's an awkward shuffle and whisper behind me. I can feel a set of eyes piercing into my back, like someone's itching there and burning a hole in and through my chest. I huff and look around, my eyes meeting a pair of shocked gray ones. "Problem?" I ask.

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