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    Bright lights

You did this.

Loud screaming...

This is your fault.

Everything's blurry...

He doesn't love you.

I know that...

He hates you.

He doesn't...

He never liked you. You let yourself think he did.

I'm sorry...

You'd be better off dead, actually.


You should've died so she could've lived.


If she was here, he'd actually be happy.

He is happy...

Not when you're around. You make him miserable.

I don't... I don't make him--

He will never love you.

Why ?..

You murdered her, remember? You murdered her, Aaron.

"Aaron?" A different voice mutters, "are you alright?"

My eyes snap over to Caesar, the usual smile he has is gone and replaced with worry. I look around and nod as I take it in. I'm on stage -- when did I get on stage?
I gulp and lean towards him, "I'm sorry, I suppose I was spacing out. Everything's just happened so fast tonight."

He smiles and looks out at the crowd and back at me, "an exciting night?"

"M-more like an exciting week, actually." I explain with a smile, "it's weird to be here and not be a mentor."

"Yes, it's sad that you aren't the mentor this year, but instead the tribute once again. How is it? Returning as a tribute? Returning here with your father as a tribute, too?" He asks, leaning in and slipping the mic in my direction again.

My head is silent; blank.
Why would he ask me this as if I'm allowed to have an opinion on it? "Heartbreaking..." I murmur, "you all have to see me go. But where else would I wanna be my last few days?"

There's a sudden cheering from the audience, cheers and awes, sad cries and coos. They don't like me, they like the idea of me...
Caesar adjusts himself back into his chair, back straight and mic at his lips. "Well, Aaron, I'm pleased we've always made you feel welcome for each and every trip you've had here. And that reminds me, you gave us one entrance with this lovely piece of eye candy you have on." He gestures towards my dress, my eyes drift down.

"Possibly the last one I'll wear. I just had to make an entrance somehow." I jest lightly.

"And an entrance you made! Oh, Aaron! It feels like it was just yesterday when you came onto my stage for the first time in that little white dress. But look at you now! Such a fine, young beautiful woman you've become!" He cries, the audience just encourages him.

I open my mouth to speak, but he's faster, saying, "now, Aaron! I have a question for you."

"What's the question?"

The Reaper | F. Odair (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now