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It's soft and warm. His lips are gentle as they push further. You're kissing Finnick Odair. He barely breaks away for a second, my heart jumps and my right hand finds its way to his shirt's collar. My fingers curl around the fabric and I pull him back in, my eyes flutter shut and his lips meet my own again. He's kissing you. His fingers are slowly cupping my cheek, his other hand keeping us steady as my legs slowly fall from my chest.
Why is he kissing me?

I've kissed too many people to count. Each and every time was boring and dull, disgusting and vile. It was all about sex, all about getting into a bed and giving them the most pleasurable night of their life. Why does this feel nice though? It's warm and welcoming, his fingers are gentle and not forcing, it isn't sexual, it's just passionate.
It's so loving. He pulls away and I desperately pull him back. I can feel tears in my eyes as he gently kisses me again. "You're not useless, Aaron." He whispers. My eyes flutter open, his eyes are so kind looking. A weak sob slips out of my mouth and my head drops into his chest. "Aaron?.."

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that..." I croak out, another sob slipping out. "Why?"

"Why what?" He asks sweetly.

"Why did you just kiss me?" I clarify, wiping my eyes with my sleeve. "What was the point in that?"

"I never gave you my answer to your confession, did I?" There's a grin on his face as I pull my head back, he leans in and his lips meet my own again for a second, "I love you, Aaron."

I'm staring at him like an idiot.
The cameras are probably all on us, people are probably going crazy right now. His grin grows at my dumbfounded face. My lips are barely apart, my bottom one shaking. I don't know what to say, what to think, what to do. How the hell is Agnes taking this?

"I-Is this real?"

Finnick chuckles, "does it feel real?"

A weak smile starts to tug at my lips. "I... think I need to check again." I whisper, leaning in. His grin is even bigger as I slowly plant my lips on his own again.

My face feels like it's on fire as he pulls away. I open my mouth but stop. I can see Johanna in the corner of my eye. There's a wide smirk on her face, a 'I told you so,' sort of face. Finnick seems to notice as well, his own cheeks being dusted with pink. "We've been caught." He says sheepishly.

"She'll tease me over this."

"She'll tease both of us."

"Oi!" Johanna calls with her hands cupping around her mouth. "Get over here!" Finnick gets up first, holding his hand out for me. I slowly take it as he pulls me up -- there's a stupid smile on my face that won't go away. Johanna walks over, my hand slips from his as she goes in between us, wrapping her arms around us, (her right side barely on Finnick's tall figure). "How are you two?"

"Fine." Finnick says with a grin.

"Perfectly fine." I nod, biting my lip to try and force the grin off of my face.

Johanna hums, pulling her arms off of us as we approach this little circle of the others. Finnick and I shuffle towards the treeline, putting ourselves next to Katniss and Peeta.

Beetee clears his throat as he pats his coiled wire. "This plan of mine is extremely risky and we only have one shot at it. You all understand that, correct?" Everyone nods silently. Beetee's nostrils flare as he sucks in some air. "Where is the safest place?"

I blink. "Clarify?"

"Where is the safest place within the arena?"

"Here," Johanna says, "the beach." My eyes immediately drift towards the jungle behind me. It's dark in there, besides the few rays of light shining through. I wonder what sector this is. I wonder what's inside. The beach was safe, anything inside wouldn't come onto the sand. It can't hurt us out here.

The Reaper | F. Odair (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now