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    I've learned to dislike cars. Unconsciously, I mean. For some reason my mind now registers a car to be bad because it always seems to take me somewhere bad. The first time I sat in a car was after being chosen for the games and was immediately taken away. The second time I sat in a car was to meet Snow. The last time before now was to be taken to that room before being taken to 13. I don't know why but when I was told 'battlefield' I didn't think we'd get taken to the Capitol.

I'm starting to freak out.

Again, I didn't expect to get off of a ship just to be thrown into a car in the Capitol. I'm now realizing why Dr Aurelius gave us those words to tell ourselves because all the memories are flooding back. I used to find this place amazing, used to admire the tall buildings and beautifully built streets, but now I'm terrified of each turn we take, I'm realizing how clueless I really am. Why am I here? I don't fucking know why I'm here and it's scaring me. Each second here the closer I get to Agnes, the closer I get back to that woman's clutches.

My leg is shaking, my foot is tapping harshly against the humvees floor. One of the blondes looks at me and rolls her eyes. She nudges her twin and the girl copies her. 'Leegs 1 and 2' is what they're called I think.

Peeta's lips are moving quickly but no noise is coming out of his mouth, but looking I can immediately read what he's saying.

We take another sudden turn and my eyes flick towards the blocked out window immediately. I don't like this. Remember. I don't want to be here. My name is Aaron Smith. I'll die here, I'll be taken back by Snow. I'm from District 10. A shaky breath slips out as I lean forward and bury my head into my shackled hands. My stomach is flipping on itself.

The vehicle comes to a sudden stop and my heart jumps in panic, my foot stops and I realize I'm shaking all over now.

One of the Leegs's opens a latch and my eyes immediately burn from the light outside. One steps out, grabbing Peeta and dragging him out. The other opens the latch on my side, she jumps out before reaching for me. My eyes flick around as the girl leads me towards the brunette. The buildings are in ruin, the streets are cracked and covered in dirt and rubble, the white and light colours are now stained and disgusting. I'm shaking even more now as the brunette grabs my wrists.


"It's just a precaution, soldier." The woman says as she tightens the bindings, I cringe from how tight it is.

"Precaution..?" I murmur as she goes to Peeta.

"Correct." She grunts, tightening Peeta's -- he verbally winces at how tight she's done it. "

A frown pulls to my lips, despite the bindings being so tight I'm still shaking. My eyes flick around and I freeze at the sight of Katniss and Finnick both staring at us in shock with their weapons raised. Peeta's eyes flick up too and I can hear him choke on his own air.
Katniss has an arrow already strung facing Peeta, and Finnick is raising a trident towards me. Even with them being maybe twenty-feet away I don't doubt their abilities to actually hit us.

I can see Finnick's fingers tighten around the trident's handle and immediately my body feels numb, my stomach is churning and my head feels light. I was with these two mere days ago, I was with them and they didn't have this intent to kill me.

Why do they look so bloodthirsty to me?

Finnick's eyes lock onto mine and I can feel bile in my throat. I unconsciously shuffle towards Peeta, my foot hits his and I can feel him nudging me back. I force my eyes off of Finnick's own and more people are coming out into view.

The Reaper | F. Odair (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now