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    "I'm so sorry, you two..." Sage mutters with teary eyes. "They said there's just... no 'good' reason to stop the games."

"That's bullshit... they began to riot -- the streets are a mess, how is that not a reason?" Dad growls, his hands balling into fists.

"A-As I said... it's not a good reason for them..."

"... I'm going to bed." I croak out, tears slipping down my cheeks.


"I'll see you in the arena, Alex..."

"Aaron!" Sage cries again.

I silently wave her off and drag my feet down the hall. "I'll be fine."

I'm staring at a golden ring on a gold chain. It's cold, but not freezing cold, just... cold. The note that came with it only makes it obvious it's from either dad or Haymitch. Is this supposed to be some token? Why does it look so familiar if it is?
My eyes snap over to the hallway but the Avox who gave me this is gone -- no Avox is in sight, actually. Strange. It's weird how they came up to me mid way of changing, actually.

I look back at it and a sigh slips out and past my lips. It isn't new looking, it's obviously old from the few scratches and tiny, tiny patches of wear on the inside of the band.
It's obvious why it's on a chain because it's too small for any of my fingers.

Then why is the hook worn as well?

There's the sound of footsteps, I flinch and immediately shove the ring into my pocket. My eyes land on an Avox, a different one from before. The blank look on their face says it all. 'Time to go.'

I force myself off the bed and shove my feet into the untied running shoes I have at the end of the bed. My fingers leave the soft velvet and the next thing I know I'm walking behind them and stopping the second I see Sage at the elevator waiting for me.

She looks so depressed. She's basically wearing all black -- I've never seen her wear black before, I don't think.
There's more footsteps, I turn around and I'm shocked to see dad. Olive green shirt and black jeans. (Green's not his colour...) He looks just as confused as I feel.

Sage sighs and it pulls my attention back at her. "There was... a change of plan, this year. Once on the roof you'll be separated instead." She explains, pushing a loose strand out of her face. Have I ever seen her hair down, actually?

She sucks in a shaky breath and my already shattered heart burns. "Don't cry..." I whisper.

She shakes her head, wiping lightly at her glossy looking eyes, "I'm not. Don't worry, dear. I-I'm not. Well! You're both here now so let's get going, hm?" She squeaks, I can barely open my mouth as she's already hit the button and the doors are open. She gets inside, looking at us and gesturing for us to come inside.

The two of us look at one another. This doesn't feel right.
Dad goes in first, immediately leaning against the glass. I gulp and step inside, the doors closing immediately once I'm inside. I can hear her gently push the button and the elevator flies up. I barely turn around and we're already at the top, the doors opening. The two of us step out. Sage doesn't budge, I look back over my shoulder and I can see tears falling down her cheeks.

She smiles, I lightly wave, the doors shut. She's gone.

A sigh slips past my lips, I look back and I can see dad already being escorted onto the ladder. I barely take a step forward and immediately two come over and stand either side of me as he's lifted onto the aircraft above us. The ladder is gone with him. I stare for a few seconds and it reappears, coming down for my turn. I hate this part.
I grab on, the second both my feet hit it I'm frozen. I'm pulled up and I'm met with a woman. She smiles, grabbing my arm and pushing a needle to it. I internally cringe as it breaks my skin, the device going into my arm and blinking for a second once it's underneath. Fucking needles...

The Reaper | F. Odair (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now