Thank you / End

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Okay before I go sappy: It was supposed to be to chapter 40, but I think ending it at 37 was just better (and 37 was gonna end a bit spicy but I decided otherwise.) But you may interpret it as the events leading on from there as Finnick n' Aaron couldn't wait any longer. <_<

Their son happened after the end of 37 :) -- Aaron sent a letter to Haymitch having him be the godfather - Haymitch cries at reading this and accepts
Aaron reconnects with her old friend Jason, occasionally going to 10 to see him
Sage goes on to travel the Districts and country
Nero continues clothes making, having his own child after marrying Vicky (Victoria)
Nero makes Aaron and Finnick wedding outfits bc ofc he must!
Aaron and Finnick get married in private :)
Their son is yes, her fathers name, Alexander, and ofc the cliche you gotta "Maggie" aka Mags or what Finnick will call her: Magipie.

Rest you can fill in yourself :D

There was a few changes here and there, a lot taken out, but i think the end works, despite the shortness. :C


This has been in the works for 4 years, since it was started in August of 2020, and finished now (April 2024).

I remember sobbing my eyes out through my layout ideas, sobbing at the new ideas of coming into the story -- I literally had to shut my laptop and cry for an hour or so when I wrote Alex's death because it hit hard for some reason. Writing Agnes's shit was some of the hardest too, not just because of how uncomfortable that character made me feel personally, but more so those ideas of 'what would you do to your abuser'? If you had that chance to take revenge, would you do it?

Fanfiction's fuckin' great, even with it bein' cringe, shit like this just lets me and other people explore on writing and learn. I'm going in to study film so a lot of stuff I've written, published or unpublished, has given me ideas on stories I can maybe one day make or make fan-inspired things too.

There isn't much to say besides thank you for bothering to read this, it does mean a lot - don't let people ruin stuff for you and all that like it almost did with me. I almost gave up on this a fair few times, as you can see through the gaps of publishing time.

There is a PREQUEL to this, but I'm not sure how long it'll take to write 'n publish, majority of it is planned and written more like notes, so I still haven't gotten around to writing it. Maybe I'll enjoy it more than I did this and write it rather quickly.

I got other books I'm writing, and the sad thing is I've had them in writing for AGES, just it's the getting around to writing them clearly; my Divergent Fanfic has 20 drafts waiting to be touched, same with the HP one (which is on Ao3, not Wattpad yet), same with the prequel, but as said I'll maybe enjoy them more now.

Thanks :)

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