Prequel / Sample text of CR

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Originally the "books" were going to be written as a Diary sort of format, but I've decided otherwise. I still wanted to write stuff of Aaron's life before hand, so here is a sample of that first chapter in the prequel book.
If you're interested, go to my profile and I have a reading list of Aaron's things as I suck at links because I somehow mess them up.

In short: This is a sample of the prequel to this one, the time set being from the 70th to the current period with it mostly covering the games, traumatic events and a bunch of little details I personally liked too much in my notes that I had to write it. It says the OG writing date is 2022 March, but it was in the making during 2020 but didn't get submitted till 2022, but then I've began to rewrite it September 2023, so it's only just been 're-started' as of October 2023.

Any plot holes that this one makes will just be fixed through the "TR" book since I know where they mostly are and how to fix them or they've already been fixed but it's one of those little things only I'll really notice.


Text taken from Chapter 1;


Aaron cringed as Sage tapped the mic -- her white painted nails scratched off of it causing everything to ring for a few seconds. Her white painted lips pulled into a smile as she put her hands on her hips with a bizarre amount of confidence. "Well, well, well! It's that time of year again it seems. Welcome to this year's Reaping!-- for the 70th Hunger Games." Sage said with an excitement one could not share in District 10. Her hands came off of her hips as she spread them wide -- her voice cracked every few syllables into higher squeaks from her obvious excitement. "Now, before we begin with the ceremony, we have a video for you all put together by the President himself, and it's been sent all the way from the Capitol! Let's take a moment--"

Aaron's head tilted to the right a few degrees as she stared off. Sage's voice blurred in her ears as President Snow's came on. It was the same video every year -- images and supposed footage of the war, followed by the ending consisting of the year-prior games. Aaron's blue eyes seemed to lock onto the girl's on the screen as it came to the end. The Victor of the 69th had consisted of a blonde girl from District 2, a girl who'd literally ripped apart her competitors and was barely recognizable by the end from the amount of blood that covered her.

The mic peaked as Sage clapped her hands together. "I love it! Oh! I can see you're all excited, so let's begin -- but first happy Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor," she leaned down into the mic, her hands slowly coming together down to the bottom of her dress as she leaned in. "Now, let's begin with the ladies."
She leaned to the left, slowly breaking the eye-line of the girl's side before her heels clicked again as she walked towards one of the clear bowls. She delicately put her finger in at first, just for her nails to act and dig around for a moment before finally pulling one of the ribbon-wrapped cards. Sage looked back at the crowd and gave a toothy smile as she began to pull the black ribbon off and strutted back to the mic. "Let's see who the lucky lady is!" The mic picked up her fingers scratching against the card, and the card opened delicately. The woman's green eyes seemed to go a little wide, but her face remained the same as the name came off of her lips with a regularity on saying it. "Aaron Smith."


That's all you get! Ha! Now you HAVE to read it-- I'm joking, you don't have too, go enjoy the fandom.

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