t h i r t e e n

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i woke up and felt relaxed meaning i most likely overslept. i turned on my phone and screamed because the light was too bright. who else has that problem when you've been in the dark for so long. #thestruggleisreal. i rolled out of bed and fell on the floor. yea im very literal take note on that. i groaned at my idiotic choices and crawled to my closet. i picked out my outfit and laid it on my bed. i hopped into the shower did all that good stuff and hopped back out. i didn't actually hop into and out of the shower. what do you guys take me for an idiot or something? i wrapped my skeleton bart simpson towel around me and walked out of the bathroom. i put on my undergarments first obviously i mean it would be weird if i didn't. right? then i threw on my clothes. and if you were wondering no i did not actually lunge my clothes onto my body. although that would be quite awesome.

outfit ;

- white sleeveless tank with
'i did not wake up like this'
written in black lettering.

- blue slightly ripped skinny jeans.

- brown leather heel laced boots.

- grey beanie.

[ outfit on the side ]

for my hair and makeup ;

-straightened hair

- winged eye liner

- red lipstick

i changed my case into my adidas one and headed downstairs. oh did i not mention i have an obsession with phone cases. no? oh well ya i do. i bet i have the worlds biggest and best collection. not gonna brag but yea i do. i hopped down the stairs like a dysfunctional bunny and went straight to the kitchen. i looked thru the pantry quietly because i assumed everyone one was sleeping. due to the fact no one was down here. i searched and searched but their was nothing good to eat. mom probably forgot to go shopping. i just sighed and sat down ignoring my hungry stomach. after a while i gave into my stomach's crave for food. i walked up stairs to hayes's room. i want to see if he would go to ihop with me. i knocked but got no answer in return so i just walked in ignoring the fact that he could be changing. i still went in and his bed was empty. where is that kid? i just shook that off and walked to nash's room. i repeated my previous actions and he wasn't their either. i went to sky's room, mom's and wills still no sign of anyone. i searched and called out thru the entire house but no one answered or came thru to me. i litterly just gave up. i walked back into the kitchen and went to the fridge. i saw their was a note left on it.

"how did i miss this?" i laughed to myself.

'probably the same reason thats causing you to talk to yourself' my mind laughed at me.

"whats that reason" i sighed.

'your an idiot' my brain teased.

true true. i picked up the note that was placed under a magnetic horsie. compliments of sky. i learned that she begged her dad to buy them for her. she has four different ones but this one happened to be her favorite. it was the grey one if you would like to know.

also her name is peaches, and its a her.

the note read ;

dear bella,

me, hayes, sky, and nash all went to magcon for the week. im so sorry we had to leave you alone. it was such short notice when you came and there wasn't enough time to get you a plane ticket. will went back to florida because he still has classes. jonnie goes to work at 7 am and comes home at 10 pm. sometimes he stays late. i don't want you to be alone all the time so i asked my best friend gina, also cameron's mom to check up on you from time to time. i left more money in the cookie jar. spend it wisley and be safe. i love you so much and im really sorry about this.

- love mom

*p.s hayes's sorry too
*pp.s he wish's you could have came.
*ppp.s pop the p when you read the p's in p.s
*pppp.s okay im done love you twinnie.

wait what in the world is a magcon? and perfect im alone again.

"lonely i am so lonely" i sang flopping onto the couch.

"oh i know what i can do. ill just text drew and ask if we can hang out." i yelled excitedly to no one. i am still alone so i can be however the fuck i want to be.

damn im really defensive with who bella? who?

oh right yourself.

i pulled out my phone and sent a simple 'hey' to him. i shut off my phone and turned on the t.v to kill some time. i flipped threw the channels and landed on adventure time. yes this is my shit. i watched almost the whole episode and right when it was on the good part my phone buzzed.

"shut up drew" i groaned turning my phone on silent. i finished the episode and turned the tv off. hey i waited thirty minutes for him so i made him wait five for me, were evan now i guess. evan tho i did most of the waiting. i slid my phone on and opened up my messages.

--------- convo ---------
d - drew
b - me

b - hey

d - wassup

b - i could have died and you waited thirty minutes to text me back . wow some best friend you are. 😭😭💔😑

d - i was watching adventure time...

b - oh okay i get it thats shows
the shit 😂😂💯

d - lmao i know right but wyd bells

b - nothing. my family left me so can we go out to eat. they also left me with no food 😭

d - sure where did you wanna go?

b - i hop please.

d - k be over in ten

b - okay bye

d - love you

b - lub you too ❤️

-------- end of convo --------

i watched power puff girls to kill some extra time until he got here. i mean who doesn't love the power puff girls? exactly no one.


comment your opinions and vote please. luv you all so much ❤️

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