s i x t e e n

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right now i was at home. all alone in the family room snuggled up in blankets with junk food. im watching every episode of once upon a time over on netflix. that show is my favorite besides pretty little liars and teen wolf of course. drew dropped me off a while ago and this is all ive been doing. im watching the episode where sheriff gram finds out he's really the huntsman. when he kissed emma

(snowhite and prince charmings daughter )

all his memories came back. it was such a great moment but then the fucking evil queen ripped out his heart and crushed it into dust.

i was litterly crying my eyes out. why? why in the world would they do that to me?! emma and gram were meant to be together and then they just kill him.

( tbh this really happened to me im emotional wreck. )

i heard a knock on the door and paused the episode. i honestly didn't give a fuck about how i looked. i walked to the door with my comfy blanket dragging on me. i opened up the door and it revealed a midle aged pretty woman.

"hi im gina camerons mom and your mothers friend. she asked me to check up on you." she said with a warm smile.

"hi gina" i sniffled letting her in.

"aw whats the matter sweetheart"she asked giving me a big hug.

"the evil queen from once upon a time killed gram" i said crying my litle eyes out.

"aww sweetie it'll get better i promise." she said probably not knowing what to say because im pathetic and over dramatic.

"do you wanna watch with me for awhile." i asked her.

"sure" she smiled heading into the living room.

i grabbed her a blanket and we layed on the couch together. we watched five more episodes before my eyes started getting heavy. i closed my eyes for a while and then i felt my body being scooped up. i squinted my eyes open and saw that i was being carried up the stairs. she brought me into my room and laid me in my bed. she didn't have to change me considering i was already in my spider man onesie. i heard shuffling around and muffling on the phone. i have really good hearing and could hear the person on the other line.

'is she asleep' mom probably asked/

"yea shes asleep liz." gina said.

"can you take a picture" another voice said.

it was most likely hayes. he's a weird kid.

"okay" she said. wait what?. a bright lite made me cringe. i wasn't prepared for when she took it so i probably looked a mess. but who cares only my family will see it.

"aww she looks so adorable right" gina said

"aw my baby girl" mom said.

"hey gina when she wakes up tommrrow can you tell her we all love her" mom said.

"especially me" hayes yelled.

"hayes you didn't have to yell" mom scolded him.

"of course good night guys tell cam i love him" gina said.

she hung up and came over to me. i felt a kiss pressed to my forehead. with that i finally fell into my dreamworld.


i hope you guys enjoyed this little chapter . comment if you watch once upon a time. if so i will befriend you.  also comment your opinions and vote.
ily and stay very beautiful. 💓

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