f o u r t e e n

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i heard the door ring and i pealed my eyes away from the power puff girls. and walked to the door. i opened it and came eye to shoulder with drew. i need to get taller man. i looked up and smiled.

"welcome" i said bowing down.

"why thank you peasant" he patted my head while walking into the house.

"so are we going to go now or do you wanna chill right for a while." i asked.

"um lets leave now because i have planned for us to go somewhere after we eat." he said grinning.

"where are we going" i jumped up and down.

"thats for me to know" he started opening the door.

"and for you to find out" he yelled running outside.

"drew" i whined chasing after him after i closed and locked the door.

they gave me a key and now i feel special.

i hop was about 15 minutes away and we had to walk. i mean were both 14 and don't have permits. soo driving was out of the question. to kill some time we were playing 22 questions. i've been having to kill time a lot today. and yes were playing 22 questions since everyone says asking to play 21 questions is a fuck boy thing.

"if you could be any animal in the world what would you be?" he asked

"a lhama" i said confident.

"why" he asked intrigues by my unusual choice.

"i don't really know they just seem like they've got it all figured out." i said serious.

"whatever you say ya loon."  he laughed.

"well what is yours mr.judgmental" i joked

"a cat" he simply stated.

"a cat? a specific cat or.." i asked. he shook his head.

"just a cat okay" i plainly said as we finally reached ihop.

"yes" i cheered as we walked thru the doors. we got our seats and sat down at a little booth by the big window. i looked out it and saw a dog licking a cat.

what a world it is what world.

we sat on separate sides because of me. i mean i prefer to see the person im eating with in full view.

"what can i get you two?" a ladie waiter asked us taking out her note pad.

"ill have strawberry pancakes with the strawberry drizzle." i smiled.

"and ill get french toast with extra cinnamon" drew added.

"okay how about drinks?" she asked.

"um apple juice" i said looking up from my menu. i have a slight obsession with apple juice. i drink so much i have sugar rushes 24/7 it gets really crazy.

"oj for me please" drew said.

"coming right up" she said putting her notepad back in her pouch. she stopped and looked at us.

"you to are cute together" she said.

"no were not together" i said looking at drew who's smile slipped a little but nodded in agreement with me.

"im right on this one just wait children" she said and walked away

"well that wasn't weird" i chuckled.


"oh my fudge" i moaned as i bit into my strawberry pancakes. drew had french toast and they were looking really good.

"these are the bomb. com " i said fake crying.

"oh god who says bomb. com anymore" he dieing from laughter.

i don't get whats funny.

"me obviously" i said in a duh tone.

"but why that was like from 2008" he said.

[ sick reference bro ]

"im bringing it back man" i said patting his chest

"im bringing it back" i said lower for emphasis.

"well i officially have to use that now" he said.

"if people ask i brought it back k babe" i joked

"mhmmm sure" he said weirdly i don't know why i found it amusing but i just did.

"why are you laughing" he asked.

"because of that mhmm thing" i said.

"oh yes creds to brent" he chuckled.

"who's brent your brother or something?" i asked.

"brent rivera the famous viner / you tuber. he also special guests in magcon. im surprised you haven't me him yet." he said sipping on his oj.

"why would i meet someone famous. and whats vine and magcon" i asked curious about the event my familiy left me for.

he spit out his oj in my face and started choking. i didn't really move because he got it in my eye and it burned. i closed it and that wasn't the smartest move because it stung evan more. plus he was still choking.

"are you okay?" i asked pealing my eye open a tad.

"yea im sooo sorry" he said handing me napkins.

"its fine i would just like to know why your swallowed saliva and orange juice made contact with my face." i said as i wiped away the bits of pulp off my face.

"i was just really shocked. i mean you don't know what vine or magcon is?" he asked still taking in what i just said

"nope all i know is that my family ditched me for it." i sighed.

"well vine is a social media app where you can post six second videos about anything really . its where you can express yourself and creativity. " he said and i nodded along in understanding.

"and then theirs magcon. it stands for meet and greet convention. its where a select few of famous viners tour and meet fans, perform, answer questions and take pictures with them." he said.

"so nash, hayes, sky and mom all left me alone this week to meet famous viners?" i asked.

"uh sweetie your brothers are the famous viners." he said.

"come again"


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