e i g h t t e e n

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we made it to the park and i noticed their were only two swings.  hell no i wasn't getting a swing. i looked at ains and we had the same idea. we counted to three and dropped our penny's and ran like an axe murder was after us. once we got their i threw myself on to the seat stomach first. probably wasn't the brightest idea because it knocked the wind out of me. i looked back at nick and he looked betrayed and confused as to what just happened.

it did happen quick so im not surprised he is still processing the events that just occurred. he walked up to us and dropper his penny.

"you guys are jerks" he pouted while he plopped on the green bench beside us.

"sorry i haven't swung in a long time." i said emphasizing 'long'

"cant you just sit in the baby swing your small enough" nick whined.

"im not that little" i groaned stomping my foor like a 5 year old would. i earned a snicker from him and a chuckle from ains. i glared at her and she stopped. everyone calls me names in the tiny, small, short, area. i hate it. just because im a few feet shorter than everyone my age doesn't make me a baby.

"whatever you say" he said with a little laugh.

"whatever you say" i mimicked.


"nickkk" i whined.

"belaaa" he mocked me.

"push me" i groaned.

"nah im good" he laughed.

we were on he swings talking about random things that appeared in our heads

well at least that was what i was doing

after a while my legs got tired of swinging back and forth. so im trying to convince nick to push me. since all he was doing was nothing.

"please" i pulled out my lip and tried to simbal that puppy sense.

"fine" he gave up. see you just cant resist the puppy face.

"yay now hurry peasant im getting impatient" i said clasping my hands together and throwing them on my lap.

"peasant?" ains asked looking at me sideways.

"uh yea your all peasants and i'm your wonderful the queen" i grinned.

nick turned to ains.

"why on earth do we have a tiny ass queen" nick said laughing as she joined in.

i pouted. "thats not funny"

"your cute when you pout" nick said causing me to smile.

"stop" i laughed covering my face. i hate when people make me blush. i look like a big tomato and i get all awkward.

"did i just hear and adorable laugh and see an adorable blush" he teased me causing me to smile more.

"no" i covered my mouth.

"yea i think ya did" ains smirked. i sent her a hurtful look. revenge my sister revenge.

i shook my head in disagreement.

"well i guess someone needs to be tickled." nick sighed getting closer to me.

i got up and made a run for it. saying im the most ticklish person in the world is an understatement. you know the best kind of laughs?

- when you laugh so hard it becomes silent.

- when tears are pouring out of your eyes.

- when you feel a six pack growing on you stomach

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