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,,You know what you need, hyung?" Hyunjin entered the kitchen of their apartment where was Minho sitting peacefully. At least until Hyunjin came in.

,,No," Minho sighed not interested. He didn't even look at his friend who sat opposite him. The older got used to the stupid ideas of the younger and successfully avoided them.

But this time Hyunjin didn't want to give up. He wanted his hyung to experience something in his life. Minho was always in their apartment and left it just when he went to work.

,,Sex," said Hyunjin seriously and looked into Minho's eyes.

,,Why?" the older put his phone on the table. He didn't want to go anywhere. Minho didn't care when Hyunjin left to have fun who knows where. But he was not Hyunjin. Since he was little he have never enjoyed going out. He loved staying at home where he was safe.

,,What do you mean ,why'? Everyone needs sex," Hyunjin shook his head in disbelief.

,,I've been living without it my whole life and I am just fine," Minho tried to convince him as always. He didn't feel like having sex because his friend wanted him to. Of course he didn't want to be a virgin forever but he just didn't find the right person yet. And to be honest, he wasn't looking for them. Minho believed that the person shows up when the right time comes.

,,Okay. But tonight you're going with me. That's it," Hyunjin stood up and left leaving Minho in the kitchen alone again. Minho just sighed. He hoped that he would be able to avoid Hyunjin's plan of that night.

,,Are you ready?" the younger entered the room they shared. He was ready to leave and have some fun after a few days of working. Hyunjin was wearing tight leather pants and a white long-sleeved shirt. Minho had to admit that he looked good. Well, Hyunjin looked good in everything.

,,Do I have to go?" asked Minho while standing up from his bed. He went to the closet and put on a pink sweater and white jeans. He didn't know where he was going. Hyunjin had never told him where he went. Minho just knew that Hyunjin went "there". That was how they called the place. Most of the times Minho didn't even ask where the younger went for the whole night because he knew it was that one place. It was the only place Hyunjin visited in the evenings and stayed there until morning.

Hyunjin didn't answer the question of the older. Both of them knew how he would respond so it didn't have to be said out loud.

,,Are you really going dressed like this?" Hyunjin looked at him surprised. He wasn't expecting his hyung to choose clothes of that type or color. Of course he knew Minho liked clothes like that and he also knew that the older didn't own a lot of black clothes or ripped or leather pants but he was still surprised.

,,Yes. Why?" Minho was confused about Hyunjin's words. He didn't understand why he was so surprised. Was something wrong with his sweater or pants?

,,No one is really going there dressed like this and... Whatever. Let's go," the other shook his head and left the apartment. Minho followed him still confused.

Both boys got in the car, Minho in the passenger seat. Hyunjin started the engine and backed the car out of a garage.

,,Where are we even going?" Minho asked as he was looking out of the window at the streets they just passed.

,,You'll see," responded Hyunjin, who was focused on the road. The older wanted that day to be over already. He couldn't believe that Hyunjin made him go with him.

Suddenly Hyunjin parked the car in a parking lot, where were a few cars already.

,,Can't I wait for you in the car?" Minho started to feel nervous. The building looked abandoned and some of its windows were broken. The walls were full of graffiti and the whole building looked unusable. Minho was a bit scared because if something happened, there was nowhere to go. They were in the middle of nothing. If Minho saw just one normal person there he would jump with happiness. But there was no way someone would come there.

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