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Minho left the bed in the early morning. He wanted to do it during the night, but it didn't feel right. Jisung wanted him by his side and Minho wanted him to feel comfortable and safe. The boy could panic if he wouldn't find Minho next to him if he woke up at night.

He closed the door from the bedroom quietly and went to prepare some breakfast. Now when he knew Jisung's secret, the boy felt somehow different. Of course, it didn't change anything about how he felt towards the boy in his bed. Minho still loved him. But he felt kinda disappointed that he hadn't found out earlier. It would spare a lot of pain and tears. Yes, Minho felt kinda bad that Jisung had to go through a lot and he didn't help him.

But Jisung still chose him as the person who he trusts and told him everything. Minho had many questions but he wanted to give Jisung some time.

While thinking about Jisung and his hard story, in which he suffered a lot, his phone started ringing. He quickly took it and picked up: ,,Yes?"

,,Hi!" he heard Hyunjin's voice full of happiness.

,,Oh, hi!"

,,Is everything okay?"

,,Yes. I mean..." Minho sighed. ,,Yeah. I think so." He shrugged his shoulders not realizing that the other couldn't see it.

,,What was it about?" Hyunjin asked worriedly.

,,What do you mean?"

,,Yesterday at The place. I saw what happened outside."

,,Oh that," the cat boy sighed once again. ,,I don't think I wanna talk about it. It's not about me and I don't think that Jisungie wants anyone to know now."

,,So that was the Sungie you were mentioning!" Hyunjin laughed.

,,Sometimes I really don't get you Hyunjin," Minho shook his head. Once again, he had no idea what was Hyunjin talking about.

,,After your break up, when I went to sleep later than you, you have said his name in your sleep a few times."

,,Anyway, I am really sorry for basically kicking you out," the boy quickly change the topic.

,,That's absolutely okay. I am with Felix now. We needed it. You know. To be together."

,,Everything is okay?"

,,Yeah. He is still sleeping. You know what? Let's talk about this face to face. I have a lot to tell," Hyunjin suggested.

,,Sure. I look forward to it. But I feel kinda bad because you guys almost broke up. And it was my fault."

,,Hyung, it wasn't your fault. It was my fault because I didn't believe that you can make it through your hard times alone. I was scared of you because I didn't trust you."

,,I have to go to make something to eat," the boy spoke up after a few seconds of silence.

,,Shit, I should cook something too."
,,Okay. Thank you for calling. Bye!" Minho smiled and Hyunjin ended the call. And now, it is time to make breakfast. This time for real. The only person who would Minho let interrupt him was probably still sleeping in his bed.

Minho was peacefully cooking when suddenly something interrupted the silence in the apartment. He quickly left everything undone and made his way to the bedroom from where the noise was coming.

Jisung was sitting on the bed, he was sweaty and crying. Minho sat next to him and hugged him.

,,Shhhh. It's okay Jisungie. I'm here with you. You are not alone in this," the boy spoke without knowing what was happening. Jisung leaned against Minho's chest while continued in sobbing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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