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Somehow morning came and both boys were sleeping. They surely had no idea how they did it, but Minho probably fell asleep while thinking about Jisung. The memories they had made at night became a beautiful fairytale to him and he was able to fall asleep. And Jisung? He successfully made it through another night. How? Nobody knew. He probably cried himself to sleep.

Minho woke up and for some reason found his phone next to him. He was thinking about how it got there because he usually put it on the bedside table. Then he remembered. He quickly unlocked it finding out that there was still Jisung's phone number. Thank god he hadn't called him at night. Thank god that the phone is too smart to lock itself.

He looked over at Hyunjin's empty bed. Then Minho stood up and went to the kitchen. That day he went to work in the afternoon, so he could spend the whole morning in his pyjamas. And he was planning to do so because there was nothing better than a day like this. A lot of people would say that the days when you don't have to go to work are even better, but that wasn't Minho's case. He loved his work. The only problem he had was waking up in the morning so when he went to work in the afternoon everything was perfect for him.

He made himself, and of course his friend too, a cup of hot coffee. Minho knew that Hyunjin would come home in the morning as always and he would surely appreciate it. And Minho being the good friend he was, he wanted to make his roommate happy.

The ecstasy of happiness from the last night wasn't gone yet. Should he tell Hyunjin about it? That he had met an angel? Yes, Minho considered Jisung to be an angel sent from heaven. Jisung had saved him from the men at The place and even agreed to have dinner with him. He had ordered just a drink, but that didn't matter to Minho. Then he had driven him home and even given him his phone number. His phone number! Minho had Jisung's phone number! He couldn't believe it.

After a long process of thinking Minho decided not to tell anything to Hyunjin. He decided to tell him later when he and Jisung become closer. If they become closer.

The front door opened and closed right afterwards.

,,Welcome home!" Minho greeted his friend when Hyunjin entered the kitchen at a fast pace. The older didn't understand the weird behavior of his friend.

,,You're here! Oh my god! Hyung!" he yelled and sighed in relief right after.

,,Yes. I am here," Minho nodded. Where should he be? Was he supposed to be somewhere?

,,You know how scared I was? Don't ever do this again!" Hyunjin continued yelling. Minho still didn't know what was happening. Why was Hyunjin acting so weird and loud? Hyunjin was always loud, but this time he was loud in a different way.

,,What if you calmed down and explained the whole situation to me? Here, take this" Minho handed him the coffee he had made for him. Hyunjin sat down and took it. He took a sip and finally relaxed.

,,What happened?" asked the older when he saw that his friend was calmer.

,,You just scared me so much!" Hyunjin laughed a little. ,,When I returned to The place you were gone and because a lot of people had left already I couldn't tell who you left with. So I tried to call you and text you but you didn't answer."

,,Oh," Minho face palmed in his head. He hadn't texted Hyunjin when he left and Jisung even told him to do so. But Minho had forgotten anyway.

He quickly checked his phone and noticed the texts and missed calls from Hyunjin.

,,Who did you leave with? Did they hurt you? Fuck, I promise I won't take you with me again."

,,Calm down. I'm completely fine. Just one guy drove me home," Minho smiled at the memory of him and Jisung in the car.

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