🌘 14 🌒

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,,I'm here with you Jisungie. I'm not going anywhere," Minho assured him and he ran his hand through the dark hair of the other.

Jisung took a deep breath and snuggled even closer to Minho wanting to feel safer.

The older gladly gave him the needed comfort.

,,S-So," Jisung started to talk. ,,I-It all started when I was just t-thirteen. I started realizing that I-I might not be straight. Being just a teenager I let it be thinking that it's just hormones or something. B-But when I came to high school and met him... he was my prince charming. Until today I exactly remember his clothes from the day when I met him for the first time in my life. He was stunning. His dark brown hair and shiny eyes. We didn't have our uniforms on the first day, so we went there dressed in our normal clothes. Black jeans, white long-sleeved shirt and on it he was wearing a blue one with short sleeves. Just thanks to him I realized who I really am. He showed me my true me," Jisung stopped as he sobbed quietly. Tears were running down his cheeks as the boy was recalling the moments which used to be nice memories. Now they hurt him. The boy dressed in blue pyjamas wasn't sure if he missed those times. They had been beautiful and without the pain he had now but he wasn't sure if he would be able to make it through everything again. Going to The place that one exact night hadn't been a bad idea at all. Because if he had stayed home, he would have probably never met Minho. And without him who knows what would have happened to the poor boy.

On the other hand, Minho was kinda jealous. He didn't like the way the boy he loved talked about someone else. Minho wasn't the type of person who used to be jealous but now he couldn't help himself. Jisung even remembered clothes the other had been wearing when they had met for the first time and it had been a few years ago. Did he also remember what had he been wearing when they had seen each other for the first time?

,,I-I remember that he loved talking to people so because we were classmates he wanted to get to know me. We became friends and almost one year later he kissed me. That's how we got together. Nobody knew. Not even our parents or siblings. We let to know people at school during our last year there. So two years they didn't know. We used to do most of the things together. Studying, going out, going to and from school. We visited each other a lot. Whenever somebody asked why are we always together we said that we live near each other which wasn't a lie after all. It was really like five minutes by bus and like ten or fifteen minutes on foot. We were together every fucking day and I started to get attached a lot. I couldn't imagine my life without him. I loved him so much that I gave him my virginity. Fuck. I thought it would last forever. Then we graduated. He continued his studies at university while I decided to find a job. We moved in together. To an apartment in Seoul. Everything was fine, I mean, it was just a normal relationship. I don't think I made a mistake somewhere or at least he never told me about it. But one day... One day he came to me. He looked kinda concerned so I asked what was wrong. And he told me... He told me that..." Jisung started sobbing. His story came to one of the worst moments and it was hard for him to continue. The boy felt as if he went through all of that again.

Minho hugged him tighter trying to make the boy he loved feel better and not so alone. No, he didn't understand the pain Jisung felt. He had never gone through something like that so he couldn't even imagine how was the other feeling. But he still tried to give him comfort and listen to him.

,,H-He told me t-that we should b-break up," Jisung said between sobs and Minho was glad that he understood. He really didn't want the other to repeat such a sentence. The cat boy felt so sorry for his Jisungie. He didn't understand how could have someone broken up with Jisung just like this. Okay, Minho and Jisung had also split up but since that day he felt bad for doing so.

Someone might say that Minho knew how break up hurt. Well, Minho's and Jisung's break up was something absolutely different. It was incomparable with the break up Jisung was talking about.

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