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,,Look!" Jisung stopped walking. Minho did the same and looked at Jisung confused.

,,It's opened and I am sure they have pancakes!" said Jisung and opened the door for Minho. Both of them came in and sat at one of the tables. Except for them, there was one more couple. They were surely on a date but both boys could say that they will end up together.

Jisung and Minho looked at the menus on the table even though both of them already knew what they wanted to order.

After a couple of minutes, a waitress came to their table.

,,Hello! Are you ready to order?" she said in a cheerful tone. She was smiling widely and didn't look tired at all.

,,Yes," answered Minho. He felt really comfortable at the place. The walls were painted pale orange and the chairs and tables were made of cherry wood. There were paintings hanging on the walls. The whole place looked warm and very cozy.

,,Could I have pancakes with chocolate, whipped cream, and fruit please?"

,,Sure," she wrote down the order into a notepad with a pink glittering pen. ,,And something to drink?"

,,Strawberry juice please."

,,And for you?" the waitress turned to Jisung.

,,I would like to have Sprite," he responded. Of course, he was hungry. Just a little but he was. Jisung hated eating in front of other people. Once again, he had a good reason.

,,And to eat?"

,,Nothing, thank you."

,,Okay. I will be back in a second," she said and left.

,,You're not hungry?" Minho asked. He thought that Jisung was hungry too. Was Jisung really looking for a place where they could eat just for him? It didn't make any sense. Why would he do it? Why would Jisung care that much about a stranger?

,,No. I'm good. I ate before I left my apartment," the boy sitting opposite him tried to convince him. Minho felt that Jisung was lying but couldn't object. He had to believe that he was telling him the truth.


,,Yeah. Don't worry," Jisung smiled and Minho's heart melted once again. His smile was making Minho weak. He couldn't resist smiling back. Jisung's smile was slowly becoming his addiction and the boy didn't even know it.

The waitress brought them their orders and Minho started eating right away. Jisung was watching him while sipping from his drink now and then.

,,You want some?" offered Minho when he noticed Jisung's glance.

,,No," Jisung shook his head. He enjoyed looking at Minho while he was finally enjoying his pancakes.

,,Open your mouth," ordered Minho as he wanted to put a piece of his pancake into Jisung's mouth.

,,I'm not hungry," he shook his head again.

,,Come on. Open your mouth."

,,You really don't have to."

,,But I want to."

,,Minho come on. Trust me. I am really not hungry. Not a bit."

,,There is a plane that wants to land in your mouth Jisung. Come on. Be nice. Open it," spoke Minho and Jisung couldn't resist that. He obediently did as told and Minho put the pancake into his mouth.

,,You seriously didn't do that," said Jisung not believing that Minho would be able to do something like that. He wasn't a kid anymore but still wanted the plane to land safely.

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