🌸 9 🌒

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Jisung woke up hugging Minho. But before he found out that it was the other boy, who he had put into his bed in the evening, he was wondering if it was a pillow or blanket not caring about the weight of the object.

Then he opened his eyes to see Minho peacefully sleeping on him. His eyes were closed and his breathing was calm. Jisung softly patted his hair. The boy in his arms moved a little but didn't wake up. He couldn't look away from the precious person lying on him. Minho was so beautiful that Jisung had to smile and he lightly caressed his back. Jisung would go make something for breakfast but he was afraid that if he tried to leave, he could wake Minho up. So he stayed on the couch enjoying the moment. Jisung searched for the blanket with his hand and when he finally found it, he covered Minho better so he wouldn't get sick. He whimpered a little but continued sleeping. It was really adorable like the boy himself.

They could lie there for many and many hours and Jisung would never get bored. He paid close attention to each and every Minho's feature and he quietly admired it. Jisung wanted to touch Minho's smooth cheeks, his soft lips and trace his beautiful nose, but it could wake him up so he controlled himself and didn't do so. He was watching him breathing calmly while sleeping. It was such a beautiful view that he didn't want it to end. He wanted to stay in this position forever.

When Minho opened his eyes he once again realized he wasn't home. But when he looked at Jisung, he was sure that it was way better than being in his apartment.

,,Good morning," Jisung patted his head softly and Minho leaned into the touch.

,,Good morning," responded Minho still half asleep. He shifted a little and found a comfortable position on Jisung again.

,,I guess we are not going anywhere today, right?" the boy under him chuckled.

,,No," Minho pouted and closed his eyes for a few seconds, inhaling Jisung's scent. He could feel his body burning from the inside. His stomach was full of butterflies and he couldn't think about anything and anyone else than the beautiful human being under him.

By the time they were on the couch together, both of their hearts were beating fast and loud. Minho didn't like the apartment, in fact, he hated it, but yet, when he was there with Jisung, he felt there amazing. The scene was exactly like cut out of some romantic movie. At that moment they realized that both of them felt the same about the other. That both of them were in love.

Jisung was gently caressing Minho's back while the other had his eyes closed and smile on his lips as he felt a new kind of happiness, which he had never felt before. Not just this type of happiness but generally the happy feeling felt so unknown to Jisung after such a long time. Like there was nothing like a bad past. As if he was not afraid anymore of what will come the next hour, the next day.

The only sounds which could be heard in the living room were the sound of calm breathing and the sound of raindrops hitting the window from the outside.

,,Minho?" Jisung broke the silence. He was hesitating if he should speak but he really wanted to say the thing he had in his mind. He wasn't sure if it was the right decision but he wanted to try.

,,Yes?" Minho opened his eyes and lifted his head to look at the other boy.

,,I want to-" for some reason it was hard for Jisung to end the sentence. It was a big step for him in his life.

,,You want what?" Minho looked at him quite confused.

,,I want to wear colors," Jisung finished nervously. Minho was at first looking at him surprised but then he smiled widely. After a long time he would probably have the opportunity to see Jisung in something else than black. Jisung was always wearing a black outfit and Minho got used to it. But it was about to change because Jisung wanted to. He couldn't believe his own ears.

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