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Minho ran out of Jisung's apartment and the door shut behind him loudly. He quickly left the housing unit. But not so far away he realized what he had done. He stopped and looked back at Jisung's apartment, his eyes widened in realization. Tears started streaming down his face even faster as he desperately facepalmed. He wanted to go back to Jisung, but the door of the housing unit could open just a card which Minho didn't have and he was sure that Jisung wouldn't open it for him. It was too late to go back. So he did the only thing that came to his mind.

,,I fucked up Hyunjin-ah," he sobbed when his friend answered the call.

,,What?" asked Hyunjin, not understanding what was the other talking about.

,,I fucked up so bad," Minho continued talking. He cried and Hyunjin was glad he understood the words his friend was saying.

,,What happened?" he asked again. Hyunjin was confused and kinda afraid. Since he has known Minho, he had never heard him cry so hard.

,,I fucked up. I fucked up. I hurt him," Minho still repeated the same sentences over and over again.

,,Hurt who hyung?"

,,Hyunjin-ah," the boy didn't respond the younger's question.

,,Where are you?" Hyunjin was concerned. Even though he knew Minho wasn't someone who would try to hurt himself in any way, he was afraid his friend could do something stupid.

That night Hyunjin wanted to be with his boyfriend and it was going well until his friend called him. Well, obviously he would have to change his plans. He loved his boyfriend, that's a sure thing. But he also cared for his friend.

,,I-I'm g-going home," Minho said between sobs.

After almost thirty minutes he came to his housing unit. Hyunjin was waiting for him in front of the door of the building and he ended the call when he spotted the other. They entered the apartment together, Hyunjin had his arm around Minho's shoulders the whole time. Minho sat down on his bed, his body was slightly shaking because of the sobbing. His friend sat next to him.

,,What happened?" he asked gently.
,,I h-hurt him Hyunjin-ah," Minho answered.

,,Who is ,him'?"

,,I l-love him s-so much and I h-hurt him so badly," he continued talking, not answering his friend.

,,Who are you talking about?" Hyunjin tried once again.

,,Why? Why did I do that? I have to go. I have to go and tell him I love him and I am sorry," Minho stood up but Hyunjin made him sit down as he pulled the older closer.

,,You're not going anywhere," he shook his head.

,,I have to go Hyunjin-ah. I have to tell him-" the hopeless boy tried to break out from his friend's hug. Unsuccessfully. Hyunjin was hugging him so firmly that the other didn't have any chance to getaway.

,,No. Let it be for a while. I have no idea who are you talking about or what happened but let it be. Shit happens in relationships. People argue."

,,But you d-don't understand it. It's m-my f-fault. I d-didn't tell him I love him w-when he asked m-"

,,Stop it. It is never a fault just on one side."

,,No. You don't understand it," Minho spoke in panic.

,,What the fuck is this?" Hyunjin's fingers touched the marks on Minho's neck. ,,Who the fuck did this to you?"

,,H-He did but I l-let him," the older responded truthfully. He had absolutely forgotten about the bruises he had not just on his neck, but also all over his tummy and ribs. Minho recalled the feeling of Jisung's lips on his body and started crying more. The thought that he fucked up didn't let him get calm.

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