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The next morning when Minho found Jisung's reply, he couldn't believe his own eyes. He thought they were playing tricks on him. But the reply was real. If Hyunjin wasn't sleeping in the apartment, Minho would scream and jump with happiness. Maybe it was just a simple ,Hi' but it meant so much to the overexcited boy.


Did you sleep well?

This answer was the only thing that came to his mind. His brain was foggy with an uplifting feeling.


Let's say I did. U?

Jisung wasn't lying in his reply. He really had better sleep than the night before. Why? Because of Minho's text.

Minho almost fainted when the reply came right away. He giggled and quickly hugged his phone.


Me too. What are your plans for today?

The boy hoped that he would be able to see the other as soon as possible. He wanted to ask if they could go out sometimes but decided not to do so. They had met each other like two days ago and Jisung might find it weird that he wanted to meet him so soon. He should probably wait a little longer and then he would ask.


Nothing much. Work in the afternoon.


Good luck then!

Jisung smiled at the reply but didn't text back. He went to the toilet and like every morning he made himself a cup of coffee completely forgetting to reply. Minho was waiting sitting at the table in the kitchen still excited but no text was coming. After thirty minutes he gave up and made himself breakfast. Did Jisung find their conversation boring? Wasn't he interested in talking to him? Minho sighed and looked at the seen message.

When Jisung came home in the evening he didn't find any text from the other boy. It made him wonder why. Did he sound rude? He really didn't mean to.

He quickly checked the last message and realized that it was him who didn't reply.


Sorry I forgot to reply. How was your day?


It was alright I guess. Yours?




Then you should go to sleep. Good night!😘


Yeah. Good night!

Jisung's heart fluttered at the emoji Minho had sent him. He would love to think that Minho liked him the same way Jisung liked him, but he didn't dare to because if it wasn't true then it would hurt. And Jisung wasn't sure if he was able to stand more pain.

After a few days full of texting the boys finally managed to meet again. This time not at The place but at the cat café where Minho worked. Both of them were nervous about meeting the other but at the same time they were excited. And maybe afraid too. What if it won't be like their first meeting? What if they find out that they didn't understand each other as well as they thought?

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