🌸 8 🌸

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Hiiii my cute jellyfishes, I am really sorry for not updating but I had a hectic week (I am still a student). Also I felt very unmotivated and tired😪
Anyway, enjoy this new chapter💕


Jisung has been visiting the cat café almost every day. He loved the cats and they liked him back. And Minho liked him too. A lot. He enjoyed the company of the other boy every time he came but still was nervous around him. They had never talked about holding hands back then. Why? Because both of them would blush so much. They were not embarrassed about what they felt to the other. The thing was, that even after they had been holding hands, they weren't sure if the other felt the same. They were scared that if they did something, the other would not feel comfortable and their friendship would be ruined. It was precious to both of them.

Nobody knew about their friendship. Not even Hyunjin who was really close to Minho. Of course he has been noticing the weird behavior of the older, but every time he asked, Minho always avoided answering. When we talk about Jisung, there was no one who would care about who he was meeting. He didn't have anyone who would ask so he didn't have to lie or, just like Minho, avoid the answer. The only person who cared about him was Minho and Minho, obviously, knew everything about those meetings. Their parents didn't know anything because both boys were living without them. And their siblings? Well, Minho was an only child and Jisung's brother didn't care about him. So all Jisung had was Minho. And he cared just about him because he was the most beautiful person inside and outside he had ever seen. Minho thought the same about Jisung. It was just a question of time when they would show their true feelings.

Today, Jisung came to the café again. He ordered ice americano just as always and he was drinking it slowly while playing with the cats. Minho found it very cute and his phone gallery was full of Jisung's photos with cats without Jisung knowing it. Minho used to admire them while lying on his bed every night when Hyunjin was already sleeping.

After a few hours, three or four, Minho noticed that his friend was still sitting at the table. He didn't understand why was he there for so long. Had he lost keys from his apartment?

,,Hi!" Minho came to him. He was curious about the presence of the other so when it was finally evening and he didn't have much work, he wanted to find out the reason.

,,Hi!" Jisung responded with a smile.

,,What are you doing here so long?"

,,I want to take you out tonight," replied Jisung. Minho, shocked by the answer, didn't know what to say, so he just nodded. They were looking at each other in silence for a few seconds.

,,I'll be right back," was all Minho said before he ran away. Jisung was patiently waiting for Minho to come back. He had finished the coffee a long time ago, so he was just playing with the straw.

,,We can go," Minho said happily after he showed up without his baby pink apron with small white dots.

,,Are you finished now? What time is it?" Jisung's eyes widened at Minho's appearance. He thought the café is open until nine.
,,Yes, I am done for today. It's eight but my colleague is so nice that she lets me go earlier. Isn't it amazing?" Minho cheerfully giggled. He loved the thought of being with Jisung longer and he was really excited.

,,Then let's go!" the boy in black stood up and they left the café. Both boys got in Jisung's car and Minho recalled his first ride with ,Ji' because it was all he had known about him. He would have never said that they would become this close. And that he would catch feelings for the driver.

,,What are you thinking about?" Jisung's voice interrupted Minho's thoughts. Minho quickly looked at the boy and then at his hands.

,,Baby are you shy?" Jisung took a quick glance at the other. Minho just smiled. Both of them knew the answer.

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