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Hello my beautiful jellyfishes~! Christmas eveL is out, what are your thoughts?💕


A few days have passed since Jisung's big change had started. It had felt weird at first but he got used to it and now, he wasn't wearing black at all. Thanks to Minho, he was able to wear blue pants and colorful tshirts. With Minho, it was easier than he thought.

The two boys used to meet at the café where Minho worked, or actually anywhere outside. Hyunjin didn't know anything. The only thing Minho told him when he went out was, that he was going out with his friend and then he quickly disappeared not giving the younger any time for questions. So no one knew about their relationship. It wasn't because they were ashamed of each other, they just didn't have any reason to tell. They enjoyed their little secret.

Everything would be perfect if that was the only secret. But it wasn't when it came to Jisung. The boys used to talk about everything, about their families, at that time Jisung acted as if nothing had happened in the past, about their jobs, about their hobbies and a lot of other topics. They knew basically everything about each other. Besides the fact, that Jisung never told Minho about the painful past he had experienced. The pain was a big part of his life and created a big amount of Jisung's personality. Of course, he wasn't thinking about it anymore because he didn't have any reason. He found his lost happiness when Minho entered his life and that was all that mattered to him. He was happy, Minho was happy so what more would they need? Well, maybe the truth. Maybe Minho needed to know the truth, but he wasn't aware of that. He didn't know that this truth existed.

,,Hi!" Minho smiled as he saw Jisung walking in his direction. Today Jisung came to pick Minho up from work, so they could be together.

,,Hi, baby!" Jisung greeted him back. Minho put his hands on his soft cheeks and kissed his lips.

,,What's wrong with your eye?" the pink boy caressed Jisung's cheek gently, looking at the eye patch.

,,Some infection probably. It will be better soon. Don't worry," the other responded.

,,My poor baby," Minho pouted and gave him a kiss on the nose. Jisung giggled and blushed a little. Was this the first time Jisung was blushing in front of Minho? Probably yes, because it has always been Minho, who was blushing.

The boys, holding hands of course, went together to Jisung's apartment. Actually, they always went to Jisung's apartment, because he didn't have a roommate. They probably didn't want Hyunjin to find out because he would surely ask a lot and the boys themselves weren't sure about the answers.

None of the two boys was ready for what would come in the next minutes.

Right after the door closed behind them, Jisung pinned Minho against the wall and started sucking on his neck leaving marks all over it. Minho was surprised at the sudden action but he enjoyed it, which confirmed the little whimpers which were leaving his soft lips. Jisung's hands were touching his body everywhere. Not a single part of the pink boy's body stayed untouched.

When he placed his hand on Minho's crotch and pressed it gently Minho not so quietly whimpered and put his hands around Jisung's neck pulling him closer. The older's eyes rolled back at the friction he didn't know he needed.

Jisung's hands gripped his sides firmly. It would probably bruise later but none of them cared. Jisung used to touch his sides every time they were together, but this was simply different. This was more sexual.

The younger pulled Minho's shirt to the side revealing his beautiful collar bone. At first, he licked his pink lips and then he licked Minho's collar bone sucking on it right after. Minho tilted his head to the other side giving Jisung easier access to it. His eyes closed as he moaned for the first time in his life. The moan made Jisung even harder and he couldn't wait any longer.

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