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,,Pancakes?" Minho made a suggestion. He was hungry because he didn't have dinner before he and Hyunjin left.

,,Sure," the other agreed.

Their car ride was quiet, none of the boys knew what to say. Everything that came to their minds seemed stupid or just not good enough. Minho was mostly looking at the night city of Seoul while Ji was focused on the road. The quiet between them wasn't surprisingly embarrassing but nice. Both of the boys enjoyed it even though they were in the car with a complete stranger.

,,Can I ask you a question?" Minho broke the silence as he turned to Ji.

,,Sure," agreed the other and quickly looked at Minho.

,,Do you know me?"

,,No," Ji shook his head in response.

,,Then do you plan to do something with me? Because if yes then you should know I am not ready yet and-" Minho said out of panic. He realized that next to him was sitting a guy who he didn't know, he had met him at a very weird place full of weird people and he had sat into his car voluntarily.

,,Don't worry. I am not planning to do anything with you," Ji interrupted him. ,,Those guys were looking at you as you were their favorite meal, so I wanted to make you leave. But not alone."

,,So you saved me!" yelled Minho happily. ,,It was so nice of you. Thanks," he continued but had calmed down a little so he wasn't too loud.

,,You're welcome," Ji smiled at the reaction of the boy on the passenger seat. ,,By the way, my name is Jisung. Han Jisung."

,,So Ji is just your nickname."

,,Yes. Only Hyunjin calls me that and to be honest, I hate it," he said honestly. Jisung had a good reason for hating the nickname, but because he had just met the other, he didn't want to tell him anything. And maybe even if he have known him longer, he wouldn't tell him.

,,Why do you hate it?" asked Minho out of curiosity. He knew that there must be a better reason than just ,I don't like it'.

,,Just because," responded Jisung. Minho realized that the other didn't want to talk about it so he didn't ask more.

,,Do you still go to school?" Ji continued in their conversation. He didn't want them to be silent. For some reason, he wanted to get closer to Minho. There was something special about the boy next to him. Something none of the guys he had met before had.

,,Me? No. I work at a cat café. And you?" he asked back. Minho didn't know why, but he trusted the other. Maybe they had met like an hour ago but that didn't matter to him.

,,I work too," answered his question Jisung. Minho just nodded. He didn't want to ask much because it might scare the boy. And that's what he was trying to avoid. But he wanted to talk to him so bad. It's been a while since he had a feelings like this about someone and he was afraid of wasting the chance. Little did he know about Jisung feeling the same.

,,How long have you been going to that place?" another question left Minho's mouth. He wanted to know about the other as much as possible.

,,Maybe two months? Not every day of course. But I know about it for maybe ten months or so," Jisung raised his eyebrows obviously shocked about his own answer.

,,Why are you so surprised?" Minho laughed a little at Jisung's facial expression.

,,It's a long time. Seriously, time flies," said the boy with a serious face. ,,Fuck," he cursed quietly.

,,Did something happen ten months ago?" asked Minho curiously. At first he didn't want to ask but in the end, he did. Maybe the other would feel better if he talked to someone about it.

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