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,,Can we go now?" asked Minho and looked outside the glass wall.

,,Sure baby," said Jisung, kissed the heads of the two cats and stood up. The boys left the cat café together and headed somewhere in the big city, again, their destination was unknown.

The streets were full of people, mostly kids and teenagers going home from school and adults going home from work.

The two did their best to stay close to each other. Actually, they were so close that Minho could smell Jisung's scent. The boy found it really attractive. He liked the scent of the other so he tried to inhale it as much as possible.

Jisung hated crowded places and if he was alone he would never go through the streets at that time. But being with Minho made everything different. With the pink boy by his side, Jisung felt as if he was able to do anything.

Minho was scared that he might lose Jisung in the crowd, he grasped Jisung's forearm. His black leather jacket was warm from the sunlight.

Jisung looked at Minho and seeing the fear in his eyes he tugged them to an almost empty street, there weren't any shops or cafés so people didn't have reason to go there.

,,Sorry," Minho let go of Jisung's arm as his cheeks turned into a light pink. He looked at the ground a little embarrassed.

,,It's absolutely fine," Jisung slightly shook his head. Both of them stayed quiet for a few minutes.

,,Jisungie?" this time it was Minho who spoke as the first one.

,,Yes, baby?" the other turned his head to him. He was kinda shocked at the name Minho called him.

,,May I ask you a question?" Minho asked. To Jisung he seemed a little nervous but wasn't sure if it was true.
,,Sure, go ahead."

,,Are you... you know..." the boy in pink started his sentence but didn't know how to continue in it. Was he nervous? Was the question about if Jisung liked him? Because hell yeah, he did like him so much. He would die for him but most importantly, he was willing to live for him.

,,I know it's a kinda hard question for some people but... Are you a cat person or a dog person?" Minho looked at him with an interested look. He didn't care much about the answer, he was just interested.

,,Really?! This is what you wanted to ask me?" Jisung yelled playfully and Minho started laughing. Did this stupid question take him so long to ask? He couldn't believe his ears. Was Minho just messing with him?

,,Yes, really. I just wanna know," said Minho between his laugh.

,,Well, firstly, I am a person," responded Jisung as he tried to seem serious. The other boy couldn't stop laughing at his friend's behavior.

,,But secondly, I don't know," Jisung shrugged his shoulders. ,,I like cats but at the same time I love dogs."

,,So you're a dog person."

,,What? I never said that!" Jisung objected.

,,You said you like cats but you love dogs! There is a big big big difference between ,like' and ,love'!" explained Minho still laughing a little. His friend was hilarious when he tried to object against his own words.

,,I mean... It might be true that I like dogs a bit more than cats. I have a dog at my parents' house," said Jisung while thinking hard.

,,Show me!" yelled Minho as his eyes widened with interest. The other took out his phone from the pocket of his jacket and searched in his gallery for a photo of his dog. When he showed it to the other, he almost melted. The white ball of fur was so cute that if they weren't outside Minho would have screamed.

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