🌸 13 🌒

13 1 0

Jisung was sitting there, on the exact same spot as when they had met. His clothes were from head to toe black and even his hair was dark. It was not the nice fresh spring color anymore. So Jisung got into black again.

Minho a bit afraid came to the table but right when he stopped Jisung stood up.

,,Jisung-," was all Minho had the chance to say. Jisung, not willing to listen to him, started to make his way to the door.

,,Jisungie," the boy reached out for his hand. He wasn't holding the hand of the other firmly, actually, he was holding it very gently, with love and as if it was the most precious thing in the whole world.

Jisung froze. He had been hoping not to see the pink boy ever again. But their ways crossed once more.

He turned to face the boy he still loved even though he hated to admit it. When Minho looked him in the eyes all he saw was a look that cold that it made him shiver with freeze, despair and sadness. For a moment he thought about giving up. Did it have a point if Jisung hated him? Wouldn't he end up hurt even more? But again, was the pain and effort worth it if he wouldn't try?

,,Jisungie please, can we talk?" he spoke up afraid that Jisung would refuse. Then he would probably tell him everything on the exact spot where they were standing.

Jisung sighed irritatedly. No. Definitely no. After a lot of months of pain caused by love, he was so exhausted that he didn't want to. Minho was surely just like the two boys Jisung had thought had loved him. The first one might have loved him but then he had been dating Jisung just because he didn't want to hurt him. He had hurt him anyway. And the second one? He definitely hadn't loved Jisung in any moment of their relationship. And Minho wasn't surely different. Now he was there begging for a few seconds of conversation but he wouldn't bet an eyelid to break up with him again.

,,Please," Minho whispered. The hesitation in Jisung's eyes made him even more hopeless. His soul was trying to touch the soul of the boy in black. It was so close but he couldn't reach it.

,,Okay," Jisung unwillingly nodded. He just hoped that the conversation would be over soon. The thought of letting Minho come back to his life was somehow scary.

The boy in pink, still holding his gentle and warm hand, took him out of the room and then out of the building. He didn't realize that Hyunjin and Felix were watching the whole incident.

,,So hyung?" Jisung made sure to point out the second word.

,,You don't have to call me hyung Jisungie," Minho shook his head.

,,Well, you're older than me so I have to," Jisung pulled his hand out of Minho's and hid his hands in pockets of his leather jacket which was well known to Minho. Minho hated when Jisung called him hyung. He felt as if they were distant.

,,Your eyepatch. It's gone," he wanted to touch Jisung's cheek on the side of Jisung's face where the eyepatch had been a few weeks ago but Jisung jerked away.

,,Wow. I didn't realize that. You thought I will wear it forever or what? Just for your information, I still have two eyes. Oh and what's even better. I can see," said Jisung sarcastically. He wasn't realizing how much did those words hurt Minho. The pink boy was wondering if there really wasn't just a little bit of love left in his Jisungie. Actually, Jisung was full of love but he wasn't willing to admit it (btw search on Google for he's so full of love if you hadn't tried it already😉).

,,Jisungie I-" Minho spoke up after a while of silence.

,,You don't have to feel sorry for hurting me," Jisung quickly interrupted him. ,,A lot of people hurt me before you did and they are not sorry, so it's fine."

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