Chapter 2

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When I arrived at school I walked immediately to my group of friends that I usually hung out with. Peyton, my best friend, greeted me instantly with a big hug.

"Morning Allison!" she cheered

"Hello Peyton!" I greeted back "hello everybody else". 

They all waved.

"So, did you hear about what happened at the mall yesterday?" Peyton was always up to date on the latest gossip around town.

"No" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my gosh! You have to know!" she pulled me to the side away from the others.

"Okay," she began "well you know Jaylen Strauss?" she pointed over to him and his gang.

I have known Jaylen- or Jay, as he preferred to be called- since grade school. But we never really talked, or even exchanged "hello's" in the hallways like I did with other people I'd known that long.

Jay was involved with a lot of criminal activity. Stealing, joy riding, even assault. He was one tough guy. Always wore his pants passed his waist, ratty old t-shirts and worn out shoes. He was one that you never made angry, you were seriously inches away from death when you pissed him off. No one remembers when or how he got this way. It all happened so fast.

He was a fully dedicated gang member. His gang consisted of four other guys. Tyler Bay, Joey teals, Andy Way and Christian Bayswater or "CC" which he preferred. They were tough, rugged, bad boys. They were outsiders- kept very much to themselves, at school at least. Out in the real world, they were very much in other people faces.

Out of the whole bunch, Jay was definitely the cutest. He had shaggy brown hair and the bluest eyes I had ever seen. Any girl could easily fall for him. And they did, every girl flaunted over Jay.

'He's such a bad boy' they would swoon.

'Think of what he's capable of' they would giggle.

Even Peyton flaunted over him.

"Yes I know him" I answered

"Well, he was at the mall yesterday, and they all met up with some girls, and one of the girls got her wallet stolen and Jay totally jumped the guy! I mean, full force! He tackled him and there was even blood!"

"Holy shit"

"I know! There are rumours he killed the guy... but I don't think so! He sure is capable of it though, isn't he?

"Yup based on his criminal record" I pointed out. Peyton nodded. 

"He sure is cute though, isn't he?" she gushed

I nodded "he's decent"

"Decent? He's like the ultimate sex god!"

"How would you know?"

"Rumours" she shrugged. 

"Oh yes, because those are always 100 percent true right?" I teased.

"Oh ha-ha" she said sarcastically "but seriously, he is beyond gorgeous! I mean, he's everything a girl wants! Shaggy hair, good sense of style, bad boy attitude...and his 'behind area" isn't too bad either if you know what I mean" she winked. 

"Oh god" I scoffed. 

I looked over at Jay's gang again. They all just stood in a circle talking and looking all badass as usual. Peyton did have a point though, he was very hard to ignore. Despite the fact that he kept to himself, he did stand out.

Jay didn't date though. I've never seen him date anyone, he barley even hooked up. He is very respectful of girls based on Peyton's recent update, which I suppose is a good thing. 

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