Chapter 32

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"We did it!" I ran into her arms and hugged her. 

She laughed and hugged me back. 

"I'll be honest, I didn't think we were gonna pull it off" She admitted.

"Damn, you girls are sneaky with your plans" CC said. 

"How did you even think to do that?" Andy patted her on the back. 

"I watch a lot of crime shows, police love recorded calls. I bet this listen to them in their free time just for kicks" 

"So what, they were listening the whole time?" Jay said 

"Yup, the whole time. Allie and I called them back at the house and told them we had something they would be very interested in and told them the address and to stay on the line until I gave the word" 

I shook my head in amazement "I can't believe we did it!" 

"That's my girl" Tyler picked her up and spun her around, making her let out a giggle. 

"That was incredible" Jay kissed the top of my head. 

I watched as Dean was shoved into the police car with force. The officer was quite a bit smaller than he was, beckoning for extra help. 


We all piled into the house and went straight to the living room. 

"Al, wait a minute. Come with me" 

Jay took my hand and led me upstairs. 

We went into my bedroom and he closed the door. 

"It's finally over" I sighed as I sat down on my bed. 

And it finally was, Dean was on his way to be locked up for who knows how long, along with his accomplices. I felt like I could finally breathe. 

Jay sat down next to me. He reached into the bedside table and pulled out a wrapped box with a bow. 

I wrinkled my forehead "Has that been there this whole time?"

He laughed "A while time, yes" 

He handed it to me and I immediately went to open it, I loved presents. 

"Chill out for a second" he stopped me by putting his hands on mine. 

"I love you, Allie. I loved you the second I saw you at the bus stop. Your messy hair, your t-shirt and jeans, you were perfect. And I will never be able to put into words how hard I fell in love with the  look on your face when we saw those cows in that field on our first date. God, I thought about that every day while I was away. There hasn't been a day since we met that I haven't wanted to be near you..."

"Oh Jay-"

"I know it's super cheesy" he looked down

"No no, it's not that. It's that I feel the exact same way. I love you so much it overwhelms me"

"Well that's reassuring" he laughed lightly "but anyways, I wanted to give you this because I know how important your old one was to you, and I would have gotten you that one back if I could, but I hope that a new one can signify a new chapter in your life, our chapter" 

I ripped the paper off to expose a box with a tiny apple on it. It was an iPod. 

I froze and stared at it for probably too long because Jay spoke again.

"Do you like it?" he said, nervously.

I looked up at him, tears streaming. 

"I can't tell you how much I love it" I choked out. 

And with his gorgeous, perfectly white smile, I tossed the box to the side and climbed onto him crushing my lips to his. 

Everything I could have ever wanted was right here, moving with me. I could taste, touch, feel him and he was perfect. He was my Jaylen and I got to have him forever. 

We nipped and tucked at each other. 

The only thing that could have made this moment even better, came from my best friend, who was calling my name up the stairs. 

"Allie!" she called "Your dad just pulled up!" 

The End. 

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