Chapter 19

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I felt my body being lifted from the warm bed and set onto another cold surface. I was still too tired to open my eyes and I was still somewhat asleep. I heard the shutting of a car door and my heart sank.

Please, not this dream again.

I felt a light weight fall over me and I was suddenly warm. I used the little strength I had and I slightly lifted my hand to feel what was on me. It was a blanket. It felt just how the one I had taken off Jay's bedroom chair.  And my heart sank a little deeper.

I felt the car start up and I shifted my weight, I was still too tired to open my eyes.

Two hands took my shoulders and I started to lean sideways; suddenly I was lying down. The hands pulled all of my hair behind me and started to brush through it. The sensation was soothing and I fell back into a deep sleep.

When I woke this time, I actually opened my eyes.  I groaned and stretched.

"What's going on?" I said weakly.

"Oh hey, you're up" Peyton came to my side.

"Yeah" I yawned "Where are we?"

"Your house silly!" she giggled.

"What?" I looked around. It felt like years since I had seen my own bedroom. I moved my feet around under the familiar light purple comforter on my bed, and the pictures on the walls looked brand new, as if I was seeing them for the first time. "Why are we here?"

"My parents decided today was the day they renovate the floors!" she rolled her eyes "so I just figured we could stay here! If that's alright of course..."

"Yeah, I mean I don't see why not"

She squealed "okay! But I figured, I'd let you have your room to yourself. But I am not sleeping in your dad's bedroom! Talk about awkward! So I figured Tyler and I will just take the spare bedroom"

"Okay... But I don't know, I liked the company" I blushed.

"Me too! But I think you should try to sleep on your own tonight"

I nodded not wanting to argue.

She nodded once sharply "okay, well I am going to go finish unpacking and such, why don't you get cleaned up and then do you wanna go out?"


"Anywhere you want! We can get some lunch at your favourite restaurant!" she smiled sweetly.  

I looked out the window. The sun was shining high in the sky. I couldn't believe it was already noon.

"That sounds great" I smiled.

I really didn't want to go out. But Peyton had been so great to me during this time, that I figured I owed her big time.

 I hoped into the shower and cleaned myself as if I hadn't showered in weeks, because it felt that way. I shampooed twice and put conditioner all throughout my head instead of just below the ear like I usually did. And I exfoliated all over my body with my purple puff and even used a foot scrub on my feet. I shaved my legs and armpits and then washed out the conditioner and the soap on my body. I got out of the shower and moisturized my entire body. I then applied some products to my hair and blow dried.

I really liked taking this long to get ready, because it was a great distraction. But Peyton didn't like it so much.

"Hey! What are you doing in there? It's been 45 minutes! Are you okay?" she knocked on the door

"I'm fine!" I shouted back

"Well what are you doing?"

"Everything" I smiled "You want to pick me out some clothes?"

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