Chapter 26

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I sat with the boys and Peyton in the hospital room. Peyton and I leafed through magazines while the boys flicked through the channels on the TV.

"Why don't you guys just go ask a nurse for a DVD from the front desk? All that constant channel flicking is driving me crazy" Peyton glared at CC who was holding the remote.

"Because then we have to decide on a DVD to watch" he answered

"Good!" she said "Decide outside!"

CC scoffed and threw up the middle finger towards Peyton

"Hey watch it!" Tyler hit CC's chest

Peyton smiled and stuck her tongue out at CC "Thank you Ty" she blew him a kiss and he winked.

They reminded me of Jay and me. He hadn't been out of Jail for a full week and I get injured, that was four days down the drain. Now, the day that I wake up, he is gone.

I hated Dean. I hated him so much. From the very day at the bus stop, I hated him. The only good thing out of that day was when Jay saved me. I hated Dean for causing a scene at the party, and for the way he attacked Jay. I hated him for framing Jay, and I hated him for running me over.

Just then, the door opened interrupting my thoughts. Jay walked in a sat down next to me, on the opposite side of the bed that Peyton was on.

He kissed the side of my head.

"How did it go?" Andy said

Jay just shrugged.

"Oh come on!" I said

Jay looked at me and smirked.

"I went over there, yelled at him, he yelled at me, threw a few punches, I ducked them, I left"

"Okay... so what happens now?" Peyton said voicing my thoughts

"We lay low. Just until I get everything sorted out with the police"

"What are you going to say?" Tyler asked

"I am going to tell them the bastard ran my girlfriend over!" He said blatantly

"What is your proof?"

"Peyton is going to say she saw him"

We all looked at Peyton, who was frozen.

"W-What? No!" she stammered "I've never even seen him before!"

"We can all describe him" Jay assured

"She is not doing that!" Tyler protested putting his arm around Peyton's waist "She is not lying to the police!"

"What other choice do we have?" Jay stood up

"We all know it was him that hit Allie, we all know he framed me! The only thing we need now is for Peyton to say that she saw him, give a description, and we are golden" Jay added

"What about his license plate?" I piped in

"Before I went to his front door, I broke into his garage and took a picture of the plate"

Tyler shook his head "She isn't doing that, man. It's not right"

"What if the situation was reversed, Tyler? What if it was your ass rotting in a fucking jail cell and not a week after you got out you had to sit for four days watching Peyton knocked out on a hospital bed? What if you were the one huddled over her limp, beaten body while she bled all over the damn street?" his voice began to crack "And all you had to do was one thing, one thing, and his ass would be in jail?"

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