Chapter 5

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Peyton gave me a ride to school on Monday, I think she only offered because she wanted to hear all the details about my date on Friday night. It was a little awkward explaining the kiss part to her, but she didn't judge, she was actually excited and happy for me. Just as best friend should be. After I went through all the detail and Peyton stopped gushing, she thankfully changed the subject.

"So, when are you going to get your own licence?"

"I'm working on it!"

She hissed and made claws with her hand.

"Sorry, dialing back the attitude" I breathed in and out.

"Thank you" she smiled "But honestly, get on it! Or I'm going to start charging you for gas!" she laughed.

"I have a lot on my plate right now!"

"Oh I know! Jay, Jay and Jay!"

I was silent.

"Okay, what then?"

"My dad. He, uh, was you-know-what again last night..."

"Oh, why don't you do something? Call AA or something?"

"I tried remember?"

"Oh yeah... that didn't go over well. Well I still think you should do something, what if it ends up being so bad that you can't even be there?"

"He isn't like that twenty-four-seven, P, just, after work... every second night.. okay, I really don't want to talk about this"

"Sounds good to me" 

Peyton was never one for negativity. 

We both got out of the car and walked over to our usual circle of people. I looked around the parking lot for Jay and his gang. They weren't here yet apparently. Were they just going to be late? Or skip the whole day? I thought about the last option, I found myself unconsciously frowning and my heart sank a little. I really liked this guy. After just one date though? And what if he didn't even feel the same?

"Boo!" I heard Jay's voice behind me.

I turned around. "Hey!" I smiled too enthusiastically, but it felt good. 

Jay wore a black V-Neck t-shirt with worn out blue jeans and Vans. His hair hung on his forehead but didn't cover his eyes and his smile was breath taking. The boys stood behind him.

I waved at them and then started my introductions. "This is Jerry, Chase, Carrie, Beth and this is Peyton" I pulled Peyton forward for her introduction "my best friend" I added with a smile.

Peyton looked star-struck as she waved to gang of boys. She even managed a smile.

"Hear that Ty? This is Peyton" Jay was smug. 

"Oh yeah, cool" he said shyly and pushed Jay and they all laughed. 

"What's the joke?" Peyton asked confused.

"Nothing" Jay answered. 

Peyton looked curious than ever, but to my surprise she let it pass. 

We all stood there awkwardly, until the bell rang and broke the silence. We all jumped from the sudden music and began walking, Peyton grabbed her bag off the hood of Jerry's car and walked beside me. She whispered in my ear.

"Oh my god! They are all so cute! But now that have a closer a look... I think Tyler is the cutest one!"

"I disagree" I protested quietly. 

"Of course you do! But, wow! Now that you're dating Jay, I get a free in! Thanks buddy!" She held out her hand for a low-five.

"I'm not technically dating him" I pointed out. 

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