Chapter 31

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"Boys, outside in two minutes" Jay called down the stairs. 

"Fuck yeah! Let's go!" They all cheered. 

Peyton groaned "You all need to grow up!" 

The boys all piled onto the front lawn and started up their cars. 

"Are you sure about this?" Peyton grabbed my arm.

"Yes P," I pulled her to the side "I don't think anything bad will happen" I said in a hushed tone. 

"What makes you so sure?" 

I shrugged  "Just have a little faith" 


We arrived at the address on the note, it was a park. It looked as though no child had played there in years. The seesaw was rusted, and the swings squeaked in the wind in an eerie way. 

"This where we are having the war to end all wars?" Peyton said sourly 

I rolled my eyes. 

Andy pulled up in the car behind us, with CC and Joey in the backseat. 

"I don't see them" I said and I began to get out of the car. 

Jay grabbed my arm "Stay in here with Peyton, you guys might need a quick get away" 

I barked out a laugh "Fat chance, Strauss" and I slammed the door shut behind me. 

"Wow, where did those balls come from?" he said as he and Peyton exited the car. 

I crossed my arms and looked out at the park "I'm done with this shit". 

We all gathered together and began walking towards the open field. 

Despite my newly grown lady balls, my legs felt like they were going to give out under me. A voice inside my head scoffed at me 'you just got out of cast and now you're walking onto the battle field?' it said. I nodded to myself agreeing with the tiny voice but what choice did I have now? 

A whistle came from a few yards away, and we all snapped in the direction.

"Takes a licking, keeps on ticking" Dean said, eyeing me down. 

"What can I say Dean," I shrugged "maybe if I was hit with more than a piece of shit car I might not be here" 

Okay lady balls, chill out a little bit. 

The next few steps felt like miles, as if I was literally taking full lunges to move forward. 

Reminding myself to breathe, and reminding myself of what I told Peyton- have a little faith- we stopped in front of Dean and his gang. 

"Fancy meeting you here" One of the members said. 

I was caught a little off guard, I had just realized that Dean's gang said very little, if not anything...ever. Dean seemed to do all the talking, and all the acting as well. What exactly was a gang without unity? What would one actually call a group of grown men doing and saying nothing if not instructed? I'm sure even other members of the mafia did some things without the help of Al Capone. 

 Jay interrupted my thoughts,  "cut the shit, what are we doing here?" 

"I have a proposition for you" Dean said. 

"That's a big word for him" Peyton whispered in my ear, and then let out a small squeak when she caught the eye of one of Dean's guys. 

"You're fucked. After all the shit you put us through you wanna strike a deal?" CC spoke up. 

Jay rose his hand signalling CC to stop talking. 

"What did you have in mind?" he crossed his arms.

I took a brief second to look at Jay. His muscles were taught with his arms crossed, his white shirt strained ever so slightly. Damn, he looked good. This was certainly no set of balls talking, but rather full on lady parts. 

"You keep your mouth shut about this whole thing, we back off" 

As if we all had one brain, we all burst out laughing. 

"You're kidding right?" I said.

"Wait, wait, hold on" Peyton stepped out from behind Tyler. 

It was as if a spotlight had hit her and she was suddenly delivering the famous Hamlet monologue, except instead of questioning to be or not to, she was giving a full blown police report. 

"You're saying that if we keep our mouths shut about you committing murder, framing Jay, an running Allie over you will leave us alone?" 

Dean stood still for a moment, rock solid, and then nodded. 

"I need you to say it out loud. You at least owe us that" 

I had never seen this side of Peyton, she was almost toe to toe with Dean and she was standing tall, not a single quiver, confident. 

"I did it. I did it all" Dean said through clenched teeth "you keep your mouths shut, you can go on living your fairytales" 

Peyton smiled, wickedly. "Perfect" 

"Let's go boys and Allie" Peyton turned on her heels and smiled at us, I swear she was about to break into song. 

I was so beyond confused. 

When she realized we weren't following she turned back around "Do I really have to spoil the surprise?" She frowned "Fine" 

Just then she pulled out her phone and held it to her ear, she began talking immediately "I think this is probably the best time to come out" 


Out from the trees came swarms of police officers and sirens came from the streets. 

Dean and his gang were trying to make a run for it. 

I stood frozen where I stood as I watched the chase go down. My head spinning. 

"You guys didn't seriously think we were going to let this whole thing slide, did you?" Peyton rolled her eyes "You don't even know us at all" 

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