Chapter 6

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I put down my Hamlet play and went downstairs to get a drink. My dad was passed out on the couch, as he usually was. Before I went into the kitchen I went to the living room where he lay half-dead looking. I cleaned up his empty bottles and pizza box he left out. I went and got some carpet cleaner to clean up some spilt beer and what smelt like vomit- I almost added to it. I then shook him awake.

"Dad you have to wake up. Or at least go up to your room or something"

He groaned. So I shook him again a little harder this time.

"I'm serious dad, I'm having a friend over"

He groaned louder and cursed under his breath. He sat up and rubbed his eyes and stretched. He said nothing and walked upstairs. I heard him fall a few times, curse the staircase, and then continue walking. The loud bang of his door was my confirmation that he was no longer in the hallway. I tidied up a little bit more and then I finally had the chance to go get my drink. I opened the fridge and took out the milk jug I reached for a glass and then poured some milk. I took a sip just when the phone rang. I swallowed fast and then grabbed the phone. I grimaced at the pain in my chest from swallowing too hard.

"Hello?" I sounded in pain

"You okay?" it was Peyton.

"Oh yeah, just a milk innocent. You still coming?"

"Actually I can't. I just remembered I have a stupid essay due and knowing me I had to announce it with my dad in the room, so he won't let me go"

"Oh, that's okay. Don't worry about it" I tried not to sound too disappointed. I loved hanging with Peyton. 

"Sorry, another time for sure!"


I hung up the phone and then went to the pantry for some food. I picked a Rice Krispy Square out of the box, grabbed my milk and then sat down. After I finished I decided I would do the dishes.

 I stared out the kitchen window at the spot where Jay had dropped me off after our first date. I imagined his car and him in the driver's seat, with the expression that had 'please don't go yet' written all over it. The look that makes my heart sink. I remembered the adrenaline rush I had had that night. And all the excitement I felt when we went that fast down the road. How calm the field was and how blue his eyes were as they studied me. But most of all I remembered the intensity of his voice as he talked about his mother. The hurt his voice imitated so perfectly as he spoke of the names he was called. I remember the look he got when he said that his father had left him. His eyes reflected the hurt so much I could feel it as if it had happened to me. I guessed it was the exact same expression his mom had that night at the hospital- the look of betrayal, anger and confusion. All this made me realize that there was more to Jaylen Strauss then everyone had known. And that this was probably the reason he acted the way he does, the main source for his anger.

 I continued to watch the special spot, only sub-consciously watching the cars pass behind the driveway when just as I was cleaning a plate from breakfast I saw a car pull into the spot that flooded my conscious. It was a car that I only faintly recognized. I scrubbed the plate as I watched for the driver to get out. The door of the car opened and I watched vibrant pink  sneakers step out of the car- I only knew one person with those shoes- I held my breath and my heart raced. I watched as the light brunette long curled hair rose up out of the vehicle. I blinked a few times before I could see the facial features. I dropped the plate in the sink and the splash soaked my shirt.

Sandra Cook.

"Shit!" I sighed. She wants payback for my slap! She is capable of so much more than just a slap! And her purse is bigger than usual, is she carrying a weapon?

She walked toward my front door and I could hear the steps. She knocked on my door with great force. I hesitated where I stood and then dried off my hands and walked toward the door. I opened it with weak arms.

"Hi" she said.


"Well, are you just going to stand there? Let me in"

I scoffed and stepped to my side. I dramatically gestured my arm through the doorway and then let it slap down on my thigh.

"Thank you" she walked in and immediately sat down the couch.

"It smells funky over here" she wrinkled her nose

"Mad party" I said sarcastically

She shot me a look. "Funny" she smirked

"Are you just here to insult my house? My room is kind of messy if you want to head up there"

"Have you ever heard of 'dibs' Allie?"

"As in, getting first say in something?"

"Exactly! And I would like to call dibs in our little situation"


"Jay" she smiled. 

I laughed out loud. "Really Sandra? Dibs on a guy? Grow up!"

She didn't even smile. "He was mine first!"

I laughed again.

"Besides you owe me for that slap!"

"I don't owe you anything!"

"Uh, yeah you do!"

"I do not! You deserved that slap and you know it!"

She walked over to me and we were inches apart both our arms crossed.

"You honestly think he has feelings for you?"

"Yes, and he obviously doesn't have feelings for you"

"Oh you're so cute!" she squeaked

"Cut the shit, Sandra. Your guys' little 'fling' ended"

"Oh, I don't think so, it ends when I say it ends. And since I say it hasn't, it's still on. So he is still mine"

"Get out Sandra or so help me God you're going to have one of those Barbie pink shoes up your ass"

She scoffed "classy"

I smirked.

She gave me a devious look.  Then she took out her cell phone. "Oh how sweet! Jay texted me saying he misses me!" she squeaked

"You're pathetic!"

"Am I?" she showed me her phone with a matter-of-fact look on her face.

The contact name said 'Jay' with a heart after it. And underneath it were the words 'I miss you babe. She means nothing, I swear.' My heart sank and I almost lost control in front of Sandra. I looked up from the screen and trying to make my voice as serious as I could "Get the hell out Sandra"

She laughed and then slammed the door behind her.

I ran to the kitchen and began scrubbing the same plate I was earlier as I dried off the plate I kept missing a few drops, they kept appearing out of nowhere, it took me a few minutes to realize that those small water drops that kept hitting the plate where my own tears streaming down my face. 

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