Chapter 4

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The next day at school I was welcomed by a huge crowd of people. All of them yelling the same thing "are you okay?" and "what happened?" 

Suddenly the big crowd parted.

"ALLISON!" yelled Peyton "MOVE!" she yelled at everyone.

"Hey P"

"Are you alright? What the hell happened?"

I explained the entire story to her and she looked as if I she was a five year old who just saw Santa Claus.

"So, Jay just like, found you? Randomly?"

"I guess so" I said "he said he hangs out there sometimes. He isn't allowed at the mall anymore cause of last weekend"

"Oh right"

"Yeah, it was awkward! I mean, he just showed up!"

"It was probably just a coincidence, you said he hangs out at the station a lot"

"Yeah you're right"

I looked around the parking lot and saw Jay standing by his car. He was looking at me too. Then he moved his head in motion for me to come over to him. I looked at Peyton and she looked at me. She winked at me and smiled. My eyes widened.

"Peyton! The rumors are crazy!"

"Oh just go!" she pushed me.

I walked over to Jay and he stood with his hands in his pockets. I looked around at everyone staring at me and they were whispering about who knows what. As I got closer his gang moved away trying to look casual. But they weren't very casual looking at all. 

"Hey" he said


"I'm sorry about all the rumors and stuff, I had no idea it was gonna get out like this. You mad?"

"No I'm not mad" I smiled "Just weirded out I guess"

"Yeah, it's odd" now he looked awkward and stared at his feet.

"Is everything okay?"

"Hmm? Yeah, everything is fine"

"Okay" I laughed shortly

Then the bell rang and everyone started to walk in.

"Well I should go" I said


"Aren't you coming?" I looked back, looking a little too hopeful.

"Later" he said shortly. 


I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday at the station. And his eyes, his body, his smile. How protective he was; how he called me pretty. In English class, instead of writing the word 'Just" I wrote the word "Jay" and in social studies instead of "Society" I wrote "Strauss". What was wrong with me? Was I obsessed? Great, I was just like every other girl. I rolled my eyes and closed my locker door. I jumped when I saw Jay's face inches from my mine.

"Shit!" I said probably too loudly, then I looked around embarrassed.

"Can we talk?" he asked

"We can. What's up?" I began walking.

"I have a question for you"

"Okay. Go"

"Well first, I think the question needs some explanation. Well, we have known each other for a while. And even though we don't talk... I think you are really, well, beautiful. And you are smart and really nice. And I was thinking that we could maybe... be friends? But, I guess my question doesn't do that very well so-"

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