Chapter 8

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Jay opened is front door and let me inside. His house wasn't big, but wasn't small either.  He had nice furniture and it seemed cleaned enough. I didn't want to say it, but I was shocked. The way he described his lifestyle, I figured his house would be in worse condition.

"Mom?" Jay called

"In here" she answered in the living room

Jay took my hand and led me there.

His mom sat on the couch curled in a blanket. Her one arm was uncovered and revealed her tattoo of Jay's full name and his birth year.

She was watching some old TV show probably made in the 70s- judging by the clothes they wore. And there was some chips and pop on the table in front of her. Her long blonde hair was tied in a perfect ponytail at the top of her head. She looked over at me and smiled.

"Hey sweetie" she was talking to Jay

"Hey mom, this is Allie"

I managed a shy smile, "Hi Mrs. Strauss"

"Oh please! Call me Lori!" she smiled and got up out of her blanket. She was wearing old sweatpants and a dark grey tank top. On her left calve she had another tattoo, this one of a dragon that started at her knee and circled until her ankle where the fire spread across the top of her foot.

"Hi Lori" I corrected myself

She looked at his hand grasping mine. "Oh, I see what this is" she giggled

Jay cleared his throat with embarrassment

"Well don't just stand there Jaylen Andrew! Be a gentleman and show the girl the rest of the house!" she sounded like such a mother

He straightened up "Right. This way Al"

He turned away and I followed. His mom winked at me one last time before I left and she went back to watching her show.

We walked upstairs after seeing the kitchen. We were alone up here. So I knew it was right to say what I wanted.

"Your mom is so nice. She isn't how you explained her"

"It's an act"

"Give her more credit"

He stopped and let go of my hand and turned around

"No." he said sharply


"Because I have fallen for that act of hers before. She is only doing it for you. She isn't like that. She is out of the house so much I'm surprised she knows where our TV even is! And that stupid tattoo of my name? It was a pity thing! I got mad at her for her attitude and how she doesn't love me and she went out and got Ink'd!" his voice was at a high, angry whisper

"She loves you. She is your mother" I really didn't like how he was talking about her

"I wish she wasn't"

"Don't. You are so lucky to have her!"

He seemed to clue in "Allie, I know you lost your mom. And that it's hard for you. And I'm so sorry for that, but that down there, is not a mother but any means" he took my hands

I pulled out of them "Don't do that"

"Do what?"

"What you just did! You honestly have no idea how much I wish I had a mom! Even one that did what she does! Because you know what your mom is doing? By partying and having fun? She is living Jay! She is having fun! Celebrating life! Something my mom didn't" I looked away from him into the black hallway.

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