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What an annoying girl Suga thought as he texted Taehyung to come get him

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What an annoying girl Suga thought as he texted Taehyung to come get him. He didn't want to have to take a bus or a train back to Seoul since Taehyung was already going back today with Yuri.
Suga quickly texted Taehyung then plugged on his earphones and listened to some music while he leaned against a pole.
He was so exhausted from the night of writing music. He barely got a wink of sleep. He decided that once he got back to the apartment he would take a good nap.

"Taehyung come get me, I am near the cafe! Thanks!" Then he hung up and rubbed his temple. He sighed and looked at his lyrics. If only that annoying girl hadn't interrupted me I would have gotten it done he bit his bottom lip, then checked the time. Hmmm I guess I could get a keyboard right there!

Yoongi hurried to the music store and went inside, he was greeted by a lady, well more like a girl who greeted him with a bow and asked if he needed help finding anything.
Yoongi just said no thanks and continued to look for the keyboard he wanted to get. She eyed him though and yoongi could tell. Does she think I am a burgler or something?

He decided to shake it off. He finally came to a keyboard and he tested it out while smiling. He placed his ears down to the keys and played the notes one by one. The soft melody and the hard rusted cords came together in a sense of harmony.
He hummed the tune to coffee and smiled wider as he kept going, getting lost in his world, he didn't notice a few people including the girl looking at him with wide eyes.

When he stopped playing, he stood straight up again and looked at the people staring at him. He blushed in his mask and looked down while clearing his throat. He was embarrassed by the stares from the people. He hoped he didn't give himself away.

The same girl came to him and asked if he needed to have this wrapped for him. He looked at her fully now, she had wavy black hair with mono eyelids and a soft smile. She was pale and shorter then him wearing a cute black dress with a leather jacket. He was taken back by her beauty and found himself blushing as he nodded his head averting her gaze. She took the keyboard and he followed her. He watched as she wrapped it up in a sheet of white tissue paper like as if she was wrapping a present.

"Thanks so much" he said to her. She looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back and could feel his heart beating fast. Do I like her?
"I am glad you wanna buy this" she said continue to wrapping it. He nodded slowly while placing his hands in the pockets of his black jeans.

She finally finished and he took out his black card to pay for it. She took it with a look of shock in her eyes. He felt nervous and took the keyboard while she swiped his credit card. Then she quickly gave it back and he stuck it in his jeans.

"So, do you teach music?" She asked yoongi with a smile. Yoongi bit his bottom lip and shook his head. She frowned and then asked if he was a musician. He panicked. He didn't know what he should say, he didn't want to give himself away too quickly.

She waited. He gulped and licked his lips nervously then said. "I have a friend who is a musician."
She titled her head in confusion. He waited nervously to what she would say. She nodded slowly as if thinking about his answer.

"All right! I guess. Would your friend  mind if I asked you to play the keyboard for me sometime soon?"

Yoongi was shocked. Is she asking me out? He gulped. She doesn't even know who I am! He looked at her and nodded slowly. It can't hurt to try right? She smiled brighter and clapped her hands.

"One thing though" he said. She nodded waiting. "I can't remove my mask, and I can only talk to you on the phone."

She looked confused. He quickly explained that he was leaving daegu today. She answered him and said. "Where are you going?"

He laughed softly and said. "Can't answer that."

She frowned confused.

"I have to make sure your not a stalker first. Plus let's start with texting first and see how it goes."

She pouted but nodded. He smiled and shook her hands before leaving the store. He felt nervous but happy. This was the first girl he'd talked to in a long time. Well, since elementary school of course.

Just then he remembered that he didn't even get her phone number. He quickly rushed back inside and found her re-organizing a shelf. She turned around when she saw him. He saw how confused she was. " Um hi?"

He gulped nervously and said. "Hi. I forgot to get your number."

She giggle and nodded then wrote it for him on a piece of paper she had. He smiled and took it; sticking it in his pocket. Then he nervously wrote down his number on a piece of paper.

"Here" he said handing it over. She smiled and said thank you to him while he waved awkwardly and left. He got outside and when no one was looking he did a happy little dance.

Just then his phone buzzed and he stopped to look at the message. It was from Taehyung that said he was here to pick him up. Yoongi smiled and looked up to see a black SUV pull up right in front of him.

Yuri stuck her head out and waved. He waved back as he opened the car door and shoved his keyboard in the trunk.

"Hey dude!" Taehyung said smiling wide. Yoongi buckled himself then closed his eyes while saying. "Enough talking. Let's go."
He didn't see Taehyung who gave him a look before saying. "Can't. We're waiting for Leah, she's coming too."

He opened his eyes and asked with annoyance. "Who is Leah?"

Just then he saw a girl coming towards the car. He sat straight up and watched as she opened the car door and slid right next to him. He glared at her at the same time she turned to look at him. Both their faces were in shock when they saw who each other are. By this time Yoongi had his mask down.

"You?!" They both said at the same time.

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