Meet again

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Leah waited outside in the cold for Yuri and Taehyung to pick her up

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Leah waited outside in the cold for Yuri and Taehyung to pick her up. She had her luggage already. Did she get distracted and go buy some stuff? Yes! Definitely! But she came right back when she saw a black SUV pull up. She smiled and waved at Yuri then tossed her stuff in the back.

She then opened the car door and hopped in, not paying attention to someone's presence sitting next to her. If she knew it was going to be yoongi she would have walked back to Seoul. Ok, maybe not, but definitely not ride in the same car as him.

When she turned and looked at him he had a shock look on his face. They both shouted you at the same time which caused Taehyung and Yuri to giggle in the front.

"What's so funny?!" Cried yoongi glaring at them.

"Your here?!" Leah said ignoring Yuri and Taehyung laughing.

Yoongi turned and looked at Leah while glaring. Then she watched as he laid back down and closed his eyes while pulling his orange beanie over his eyes.

She sighed and got out her notebook. She began to write when she heard humming from yoongi. It was low and soft, it surprised her, she knew yoongi was a rapper but she hasn't heard him actually sing.

She stared at his cat shaped lips moving as his eyelashes moved. She stared at his hands tapping on his leg, and his chest falling down then up. He looked almost gentle and soft. He looked sort of attractive and cute.

She smiled and began to write again. The words on her paper moving in sync to yoongi's humming and tapping.


Leah heard yelling, like loud yelling. She also felt like someone was shaking her roughly. She opened up her eyes and quickly sat up when she saw yoongi's face inches from her own.

Shit! She saw yoongi glaring at her. She cleared her throat and sat up straight in her seat while looking away out the window. Gosh! How embarrassing!

Luckly they arrived at their destination and she got out quickly. She pulled her luggage out of the trunk then waited for Yuri while she said goodbye to Taehyung.

Then the girls swiped their ID's and went in. Leah looked back and saw yoongi in the window looking at her. She wasn't sure if he was looking at something else but she felt her cheeks turn pink and she quickly hurried inside  before anyone could notice.

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