Never mind

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Leah couldn't stop thinking about yoongi, even when she was packing she thought about him. She was the only one in the dorms. Sonna and Rose had gone shopping for snacks. Moon was at the library and Yuri was with Taehyung at there new apartment that the boys moved into together for safety.

Wow! It must be hard being famous she thought as she folded her clothes neatly in her suitcase. She was so busy staring off into space that she didn't hear the knock on the door.

She hurried out of her room quickly and down the small hall to the door. She opened it and saw Taehyung and Yuri. She smiled at them as they came in looking excited about something.

"So! We have something to ask you!" Yuri said with a big smile.

Leah smiled awkwardly as she waited. Taehyung smiled big too as Yuri began to talk. "We were thinking rather just having it be me you and Moon what if the whole gang comes?!"

"What?" Blinked Leah confused.

"The guys wanted to come to!" Taehyung said. Leah still was confused. "You know, to your grandmother's beach house this summer!"

Leah's eyes went wide. They were all coming?! She felt like she was going to faint. How is that going to be like?!

"Don't worry the guys said yes!"

All of them?! Did yoongi wanna come?"

"Is yoongi going too?" Leah asked Curiously. Yuri gave an eyebrow and Leah gave her a look. I don't like him, I just wanna know if he is

"Yeah he is! We had to bribe him to come, hyung isn't the most social person."

I get that Leah thought.

"I cannot wait!" Yuri squealed. Leah just nodded and hurried back to her room as Taehyung and her began to kiss. Gross!

Next day.....

It was hectic, like really bad. First off the girls had to wait on the boys since they took forever. Second body guards had to be taken along with, only two of course since no one knew what would happen. Then there was a problem with zipping up Hobi's bag. Apparently he brought too many clothes. Leah found it funny though.

By the time they were in the car, it was like 1:00 Leah presumed they would arrive at her grandmothers at night or something maybe the evening.

Leah sat in the way back with jungkook and Jimin while Yuri sat in front of her with Taehyung and Joon. Suga sat in the way front with Jin who was driving. Hobi sat with moon.

Another black car followed them which held the bodyguards of course and some staffs. Apparently no one informed Bang PD that they were leaving. Of course the boys were going to do some work when they got back but even people at the company didn't know they were going with them.

It was fun though, they listened to music. Also they listened to a lot of the boys music. Leah loved it. It calmed her. She found each of their voices calming.

She did fall asleep to Never Mind, a song yoongi wrote and sung. His voice she found was calming.

It made her feel safe. She liked that about his lyrics. It held a message but also a teaching moment too. Like you can learn something from the song.

An hour later...

Finally they reached the house. Kookie waked Leah up and they all piled out. Leah went ahead first with her suitcase while the others trailed in behind her.

She got to the door and knocked. She heard footsteps and then the door opened revealing her grandmother wearing an apron with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh my Leah!" She said hugging her. Then Leah introduced everyone to her grandmother. Then they were invited inside. Each of them took off their shoes before stepping in the kitchen where her grandmother had cookies waiting.

Jungkook especially looked hungry when he saw them. Her grandmother just laughed and handed him two while Jin also laughed along.

"I am so glad Leah had friends! I do recognize some of you!" She pointed to the boys, especially yoongi. "She really likes you!" To yoongi. Leah bowed her head with her face turning pink. Suga looked at Leah's grandmother than Leah with a tint of a smile.

Leah felt embarrassed and quickly changed the subject.

"Why don't you like me?" Pouted Jungkook. "Am I not your favorite in the group?"

The members laughed at the youngest cuteness.

His Obession(second series of the 7 boys)Where stories live. Discover now