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"Who were you talking to the whole time?" Hobi asked yoongi as he sat on the couch. Yoongi stopped writing and looked over at the rest of the boys looking at him. He blushed deeply and closed his notebook. He wasn't sure how they were all going to react.

"Ok. So I met someone sh-"
Namjoon cut him off by asking what her name was. Yoongi gave him a look. Namjoon looked down and waited for yoongi to continue. He took a deep breath before continuing. The boys patiently waited.
"She is really nice. She is from Daegu and works at a music store. I got her number" the boys looked shocked. Taehyung was smirking while Joon looked down sad. Hobi bounced happily and Jimin couldn't help but smile.

"What's her name?" Jungkook asked.

Yoongi couldn't help but smile. "Her name is Woojin."

"Oooh Woojin! Let's host a party for our yoongi hyung!" Taehyung shouted.

The boys nodded in excitement. Yoongi looked at them confused. "Why?"

"Because you finally met a decent girl you like! Your usually a hermit hyung" jungkook said.

"I agree" Jimin said.

"Tell Woojin to come too" Jin said.

"B-but we're not at that place yet!"

"Too bad!" Taehyung said.

"Let's all congratulate yoongi!" Jin said. They all ran to him beside Joon and patted him on the back. Yoongi looked at Joon who sighed and got up. What's wrong with him?! Yoongi frowned and headed towards Joon.

The rest of the boys left them alone. Yoongi asked Joon why he didn't seem happy. Joon told him that he needed to be extra careful and to make sure to let the company know about this. Yoongi chuckled and told him that it wasn't serious and he still wasn't sure about how he felt yet.

"Just please be careful" Joon said getting up from the couch. Before he left he told yoongi. "Leah was looking for you by the way."

Yoongi blinked confused. "For what?"

"She needed to tell you something" then he left with that.

Yoongi scratched his head thinking. Talk about what?

The evening:

"A party?" Yuri said looking at Taehyung who was back hugging her.

"Yeah! Does it sound good?!" Jimin asked.

They were all sitting outside on the patio. Jungkook was the one that brought it up. The whole group plus the three girls were surprised but excited about the idea of a party.

Well..yoongi didn't know about Leah. She hadn't said one word to him today nor looked his way. He wondered if Joon had been wrong. Maybe she wasn't looking for me he looked at her again. She seemed to be thinking hard about something. He could definitely tell that something was bothering her.

"Is it settled then?! A party tonight?!" Jungkook asked with a huge bunny smile.

Everyone nodded. Leah raised her hand and asked what this party was for. Yoongi almost panicked. He didn't know why though. He didn't need to. Unless the boys would tell about Woojin, but why was he so afraid of having Leah know this.

He gave an eye signal to Hobi who responded back and then said before Taehyung could. "To celebrate us being all here together! Right?!"

Jungkook looked confused. "I thought it was because yoongi hyung met a g- Ouch!"

Jin had stepped on jungkook's foot. Jungkook glared at Jin while Taehyung went to him to calm him down.
"So a party is happening tonight?" Moon said while reading a book.

"Yes correct!" Hobi said winking at Yoongi. Yoongi smiled relieved his secret wasn't blown. But what happens if I invite her to the party? The members know..but Leah..? Wait? Why am I so concerned about her knowing? Do I like her as more than a friend? Yoongi looked at Leah who rapidly stood up and told them that her grandmother probably wouldn't allow it.

"Of course I would!"

Everyone turned to see Leah's grandmother smiling at them with her purse in her hands. Leah looked shocked. Yoongi smiled a little at how adorable she looked when she was surprised.
"I think having a party will be fun! Be sure to clean up after but you guys are young! Enjoy your youth!"

"B-but halmoni( means grandmother in Korean) are you sure?!" Leah asked.

"Yes my dear Leah, now I won't be here. Have fun!" Then with that she left.

The members laughed and cheered while yoongi saw Leah leave the room. He sighed and bit his lower bottom lip hard.

"What you thinking about yoongi hyung?" Taehyung asked going back to Yuri's side.

"Nothing" yoongi said.

"Call her" mouthed Hobi.

Yoongi gulped and left the room. He dailed Woojin's number and hesitated at the call button. Should he invite her? What if she didn't like how he looked? She's never seen me in person, would she be disappointed? I did say only FaceTime or texting. I might get myself in trouble by doing this yoongi sighed deeply, his hands were shaking a lot. He's never been this nervous before..we'll besides at interviews or individual dances.

He waited as the phone buzzed. Finally he could hear her sweet and soft voice sound through. "Hey yoongi!"

"H-hi W-Woojin!"

Shoot he sounded too nervous. He tried to relax and clear his mind as she chuckled and said hi back.

"Why did you call?"

"Uh W-we..wait..I-I mean I was wondering if y-you w-wanted t-to c-come t-tonight to s-Seoul?"

Yoongi cursed himself for stuttering so much. She probably could tell that I am nervous he heard nothing for a moment and he started to panick, but then she said she was already in Seoul since she had really wanted to see what he looked like.

Yoongi was now panicking. So she is here?! Actually here?! Oh no! She'll see me?! Wait of course! She is coming to the party you dummy!

"Yoongi? Hello? Are you still there?"

"Uh yeah! W-what's up?"

He heard her laugh softly. He smiled a little. "Did you hear that I am in Seoul? Where are you? I'll come find you!"

He gulped and licked his dry lips. "I-I am a-at a friends h-house actually w-with my other f-friends with h-her friends who c-came too."

"What? Who?"

Yoongi sighed. It was too complicated to tell her. He just told her where he was and to come to a party thrown by his friends tonight. She had chuckled and said she'd be there.

"S-so s-see y-you?" He asked.

"Yes! Bye Bye!"

She hung up and he breathed deeply out. So she is coming! Yoongi slid his phone in his pocket. He was about to go to his room when he heard a soft melody of the piano coming from somewhere. Leah? He hurried quickly with curiosity.

His Obession(second series of the 7 boys)Where stories live. Discover now