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𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘰𝘰𝘮 𝘰𝘧 𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴. 

What was it even that was so special about the Room that Taehyung had strictly ordered everyone to stay away from it. No one other than him or Mrs. Cherry could enter the room. The lady had been assigned with the cleaning of the room within certain intervals alone. Not even Seokjin or Namjoon knew about what was actually inside.

But one of Taehyung's closest person did know. What the room held inside hiding from the world.. Why was it so important and personal to the mint haired.. Each and every single thing about the room was known by him. Park Jimin. Taehyung's best friend.

Like the name says, Room of Memories; you have your answer. It contains remnants of past Taehyung never wanted to forget. Memories that he created for life, that he want to cherish forever and ever.

It was the mid term of Taehyung's second year. When this mansion was finally completed. They had soon shifted in with Namjoon, Seokjin and the mint haired. The house was built by the savings of Namjin and with great help from the blue hair's family. The mint haired quickly occupied the room for himself just on the first day.

Namjoon came from a pretty rich business family, so less money was not an option for him. But he still had earned hard for savings along with Seokjin. Rest of the amount was provided by The Kim Corp. On contrary to The Jeons, The elder Kims (NJ fam) where very warm hearted and pure. When their son had introduced the brunet, the had warmly embraced the boy into there arms.


Jungkook with heavy heart entered the Kim's Mansion with slumped shoulders. The blonde didn't at all wanted to leave the weak boy alone but then again he had time find out what was in the room. Cause after this maybe Taehyung might actually take his decision into consideration.

As soon as Kook entered, he made his way to the room quickly. With hesitant heart and mind, Jungkook raised his bandaged hand to turn the knob. But to his dismay, the door was locked and he needed a key. Just as he turned to the side, the boxer found Mrs. Cherry approaching him.

"Good evening dear. "

"Evening Mrs. Cherry. "

"So Jungkook-ah how's Tae dear? " The Elder lady questioned with glossy eyes. The younger of the two explained the current situation of the mint haired to the lady who nodded understandingly also explaining about the Room and key stuff.

"I see. Oh right Seojinnie called- Mr. Kim I mean. He asked me to hand over the keys to you as ordered by Taehyung. " She smacked herself and quickly searched for the keys in her side pouch.

"Brace yourself for what has to come. Everything is going to be alright.. Hope it answers all your questions.. And maybe you can connect the dots? " Mrs. Cherry smiled warmly patting the boy's back softly and soon leaving. Jungkook stared at the lady disappearing from his sight, he mentally thanked the women. He had a bad headache ever since he had talked out with Taehyung therefore he tried talking less.

The Vampire's gaze turned from the disappearing lady towards the door. Glancing at the key, he his raised hand putting in the key. With a click the lock had opened, slowly turning the knob Jungkook stepped inside. The room was filled with darkness, with his eyes he tried to look around grateful for his vampire abilities.

Quickly he found the switch which was right beside the door, but his strong gaze caught sight of something covered in white sheets. Curiously the blonde turned on the light and moved towards the white sheets pulling them of one by one. He did that with the one that was near the door.

The first thing was a painting with a picture stuck in the corner.

Jungkook's eyes we're stuck on the painting, the canvas was painted with beautiful colors portraying Jungkook himself and Taehyung sitting on a Cafe table. From what the younger could see, both the boy's seemed very young, different hair colors and different clothes. He gazed up at the rectangular picture in the corner, it was like a reference for the big painting. Written below where the words-

𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐦 𝐎𝐮𝐭 (𝐭𝐤.𝐧𝐣.𝐲𝐦𝐬) 𝐁𝐓𝐒 ✔Where stories live. Discover now