infatuated ; knj

238 42 23

"good night <3"

I switched my phone off with a satisfied smile planted on my face. I've been texting this boy a lot, lately. He has everything a girl desires in a man.

His perfect features, amazing traits, and sense of humor were the very qualities that captivated my heart and made me yearn for him even more. Every interaction with him, whether it was through text or in your imagination, deepened my admiration for him.

Namjoon, the name that held so much meaning to me. In just a week, he had become the source of my feelings, the one who never failed to give me butterflies in me stomach. The connection I shared with Namjoon was undeniable and it had quickly grown into something special.

Every text, every word exchanged between the two of us sparked a flutter of excitement within me. His name alone carried a weight of significance, representing the emotions and affection that had blossomed within my heart. I found myself smiling at the mere thought of him, cherishing the moments we had spent together, even if they were through virtual means.

The proximity between me and Namjoon, a mere 40 minutes, fueled my desire to meet him even more. As our connection deepened and my feelings grew stronger, the longing to be in his presence became almost overwhelming.

The thought of finally meeting Namjoon in person filled me with excitement and anticipation. It was during one of our conversations that I mustered up the courage to promise him the tightest hug once we met. I could imagine his blush and the shy smile that accompanied his agreement. The idea of that embrace, the physical connection that would bridge the gap between us, made your heart race with anticipation.

"I could be yours. Soon, very soon," Namjoon had said, his words laced with anticipation and a hint of longing. The weight of his promise hung in the air, stirring a mix of excitement and impatience within me.

Each passing day, Namjoon continued to bring my hopes up, nurturing the connection between us. The desire to go on dates together grew stronger, fueled by our shared longing. But the norms in my household, where dating was frowned upon, presented a significant challenge, casting a shadow over my dreams.

It was 12:36 am. I sighed, feeling the weight of the impossibility of meeting Namjoon anytime soon, let alone without a solid plan.

With a tight grip on my hopes, I closed my eyes, seeking solace in my imagination. I yearned for sleep to whisk myself away to a world where the constraints of reality faded, where I and Namjoon could finally come together.


It was another ordinary day, 5 am which was very much unusual. Unable to resist the temptation, I switched on my phone and sent him a simple "good morning" message.

Within moments, a reply from Namjoon popped up on my screen, his curiosity evident in his words. "Morning, and what the hell? Why are you still up?" His playful confusion made me chuckle, and I knew I had to respond in a way that would impress him.

Taking a deep breath to compose myself, I typed out my response, my fingers dancing across the keyboard. "I wanted to wish you an early morning, that's why I stayed up till 5 today." The words carried a mix of determination and affection, a testament to my efforts to make him feel special.

As the seconds ticked by, anticipation coursed through me, waiting for his reply. When it finally came, his words sent shivers down my spine, and a rush of emotions flooded in me. "Jeez, I don't understand what goes inside your mind. Cute."

That simple word, "cute," coming from Namjoon, was enough to ignite a whirlwind of emotions within me. The violent butterflies fluttered in my stomach, their intensity overwhelming. I couldn't contain my joy and excitement, and a delighted squeal escaped my lips. The happiness that washed over me in that moment was beyond words.

As I reveled in the happiness brought by Namjoon's reply, the thought crossed my mind that maybe, just maybe, we were both moving forward together, off to a place where our hearts would intertwine and my dreams would find a way to become a reality.


As I found myself pouring out my heart about my enormous crush on Namjoon to his best friend, Jin, I was met with an unexpected response. Jin sat there silently, watching as I expressed my feelings, but there was a sense of sadness in his expression that caught my attention. "I feel bad," He said.

Concern immediately replaced the smile on my face as I asked Jin, "Why so? Is everything alright?" His smile, though tinged with sadness, seemed to hold a weight of knowledge that I was not yet aware of.

With a sigh, Jin spoke up, his voice tinged with a mixture of sympathy and hesitation, "You like him just too much. I don't know how to tell you this." His words left me puzzled, my brows furrowing in confusion. What could he possibly mean?

Determined to understand, I urged him to continue, saying, "What is it? Go ahead." Jin nodded slowly and pulled out his phone from his pocket. My eyes followed his movements as he opened his chat with Namjoon, and a sinking feeling settled iny chest.

"Read this," Jin said softly, his voice laced with a hint of remorse.

Taking his phone, I looked at the screen, seeing the conversation between Jin and Namjoon. My heart dropped as I read the words that lay before me, each one piercing deeper than the last.

"It was just an infatuation towards her. I don't like y/n anymore ㅋㅋㅋ I've found someone better bro."

The words hit me like a punch to the gut, leaving me stunned and hurt. The reality of the situation slowly began to sink in, and a wave of emotions washed over me. Disbelief, disappointment, and heartache mingled within me, threatening to engulf my entire self.

As I handed Jin's phone back to him, my gaze shifted downward, my mind racing with thoughts and questions. The realization that Namjoon's feelings had changed, that he no longer held the same affection for me, was a painful blow to my heart.

In that moment, all the hopes and dreams I had nurtured came crashing down, leaving me to grapple with the reality that the person I had fallen so deeply for had moved on. The pain of unrequited love washed over me, and I wondered how I would find the strength to heal and move forward from this heartbreak.


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